Less than one week after Chrome 9 was released into the browser's stable branch, Google has released version 9.0.597.94 of Chrome for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, a maintenance and security update. The security update addresses a total of five vulnerabilities in the WebKit-based browser, three of which are rated as "High" priority.
According to Google, one of the high risk issues has to do with use-after-free in SVG font faces, while the other two affect stale pointers in animation event handling and with anonymous block handling. Additionally, two medium risk bugs were corrected in plug-in handling and the out-of-memory condition termination process. The browser update also includes the latest Flash Player 10.2 release from Adobe, which also included several security fixes.

As part of its Chromium Security Reward programme, Google rewarded those who reported three of the security vulnerabilities with $1,000. Further details of the Chrome vulnerabilities are being withheld until "a majority of users are up-to-date with the fix".

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