Kevin Jurrens writes: Prentice Hall PTR and HP Books today announced the publication of "Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security," Second Edition by Donald L. Pipkin, CISSP, Information Security Architect for the Internet Security Division of the Hewlett-Packard Company. "Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security," Second Edition, combines unique insight into the mind of the hacker with practical, step-by-step countermeasures for protecting any HP-UX, Linux, or UNIX system.. . .
Kevin Jurrens writes: Prentice Hall PTR and HP Books today announced the publication of "Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security," Second Edition by Donald L. Pipkin, CISSP, Information Security Architect for the Internet Security Division of the Hewlett-Packard Company. "Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security," Second Edition, combines unique insight into the mind of the hacker with practical, step-by-step countermeasures for protecting any HP-UX, Linux, or UNIX system.

Prentice Hall PTR and HP Books Publish Second Edition of Computer Security Bestseller "Halting the Hacker" Updated to Reflect Today's Most Critical Threats, Tools and Responses

Upper Saddle River, NJ, Oct. 2, 2002 - Prentice Hall PTR and HP Books today announced the publication of "Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security," Second Edition by Donald L. Pipkin, CISSP, Information Security Architect for the Internet Security Division of the Hewlett-Packard Company. "Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security," Second Edition, combines unique insight into the mind of the hacker with practical, step-by-step countermeasures for protecting any HP-UX, Linux, or UNIX system.

Top HP security architect Donald L. Pipkin has updated this global bestseller for today's most critical threats, tools, and responses. The book explores the processes hackers use to gain access, privileges, and control--showing readers exactly how hackers work and the best ways to respond to incidents. Using dozens of new examples, the book provides readers with the skills and mindset to protect themselves against any current hacking exploit--even attacks that haven't even been imagined yet.

Halting the Hacker, Second Edition, covers:

  • How hackers select targets, identify systems, gather information, gain access, acquire privileges, and avoid detection
  • How multiple subsystems can be used in harmony to attack your computers and networks
  • Specific steps to take immediately to improve the security of any HP-UX, Linux, or UNIX system
  • How to build a secure UNIX system from scratch--with specifics for HP-UX and Red Hat Linux
  • Systematic proactive, reactive, and preemptive security measures
  • Security testing, ongoing monitoring, incident response, and recovery--in depth
  • Legal recourse: What laws are being broken, what one needs to prosecute, and how to overcome the obstacles to successful prosecution
  • The accompanying CD-ROM contains an extensive library of HP-UX and Linux software tools for detecting and eliminating security problems and a comprehensive information archive on security-related topics.

About the Author...

Donald L. Pipkin, CISSP, is an Information Security Architect for the Internet Security Division of HP who consults with many of HP's largest customers. An internationally renowned security expert with over 15 years of experience, Pipkin is a frequent speaker and presenter on security issues in regional, national, and international conferences. His areas of expertise include policy, procedures, and intrusion response. He is author of Information Security: Protecting the Global Enterprise.

Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security, Second Edition, Pipkin. Prentice Hall PTR/HP Books 2003. ISBN: 0-13-046416-3. 384 pp. $44.99

Editors and media: For complimentary review copies, permission for excerpts, art or interviews with the author, please contact Kevin Jurrens of Garfield Group PR at 215-867-8600 x273 or # # #