Linux seller Red Hat and chipmaker Intel have released prototype Linux software to support a security technology designed to curtail the spread of viruses. The security technology, called NX for 'no execute', is built into several x86 processors from AMD, Intel and Transmeta. The technology is designed to block vulnerabilities that viruses and worms use to spread but operating system support is required for NX to work . . .
Linux seller Red Hat and chipmaker Intel have released prototype Linux software to support a security technology designed to curtail the spread of viruses. The security technology, called NX for 'no execute', is built into several x86 processors from AMD, Intel and Transmeta. The technology is designed to block vulnerabilities that viruses and worms use to spread but operating system support is required for NX to work

On Wednesday, Red Hat programmer Ingo Molnar announced a Linux patch for NX support based on a prototype from Intel. Microsoft's Windows will support the NX technology when Service Pack 2 arrives, expected in the third quarter.

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