Microsoft has told Security Focus, the US security company that manages the Bugtraq moderated security email list, that it can no longer publish the software giant's security alerts. The issue centres round Microsoft's recently redesigned security email alerts, which it distributes . . .
Microsoft has told Security Focus, the US security company that manages the Bugtraq moderated security email list, that it can no longer publish the software giant's security alerts. The issue centres round Microsoft's recently redesigned security email alerts, which it distributes to registered subscribers and third party security mailing lists. The redesigned bulletins give only the barest details about new vulnerabilities and instead directs users to a page on Microsoft's website for the full text.
Under the original email format, which included full text, Bugtraq was able to redistribute the alerts because Microsoft had sent them to Bugtraq. But in response to a Microsoft vulnerability email alert issued in the new format earlier this week, Bugtraq's moderator, Elias Levy, republished the full text which he downloaded from Microsoft's website.
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