Mozilla is out this week with Firefox 3.5.9 and 3.0.19 updates, fixing multiple security vulnerabilities in the open source Web browser's two branches, while announcing that the older of the two branches is being phased out.
As part of the update, Mozilla also issued new advisories on problems that also impact Firefox 3.6.2 browser, which it released last week, in addition to the 3.5.x and 3.0.x browsers.

With the 3.0.19 update, Mozilla is pledging to end the 3.0.x branch, which first debuted in June 2008.

"This is the last planned security and stability release for Firefox 3.0," said Christian Legnitto, Mozilla's new release driver for security and stability releases. Legnitto joined Mozilla earlier this month after a previous stint working at Apple, where he worked on stability and security releases for Mac OS X.

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