Chipmaker Transmeta has announced it will be the first company to release a mobile chip that includes security features built in at the processor level. The company said it has received designs for its Crusoe TM5800 processor, an x86 chip designed . . .
Chipmaker Transmeta has announced it will be the first company to release a mobile chip that includes security features built in at the processor level. The company said it has received designs for its Crusoe TM5800 processor, an x86 chip designed to protect data, deter intellectual property theft and provide a tamper-resistant environment.
The chip, which could be used in laptops, tablet PCs, Internet appliances and embedded applications, is expected to become available in the latter half of 2003.
Matthew Perry, president and CEO of Transmeta, said that as use of wireless communications increases, so does the threat of information theft -- increasing the need for a chip like this.