SMART Watch, a Preemptive Hacker Defense Tool and host based intrusion detection system detects when key "Watched" Files or Directories have been maliciously or accidentally altered. SMART Watch can automatically & immediately restore the damage to system resources upon detection, thus providing uninterrupted system operation.. . .
SMART Watch, a Preemptive Hacker Defense Tool and host based intrusion detection system detects when key "Watched" Files or Directories have been maliciously or accidentally altered. SMART Watch can automatically & immediately restore the damage to system resources upon detection, thus providing uninterrupted system operation. "This latest version employs WetStone's proprietary SystemTrap technology that can instantly detect even subtle changes to files or directories," stated Chet Hosmer, WetStone's President and CEO. "This new capability allows us to detect changes in microseconds and immediately restore the damage, accurately record the details and time of attack, and automatically notify security personnel in real-time, via e-mail or pager."

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