Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an open standard that enables wireless devices to communicate independently of vendor or wireless networks and thus more easily access information and Internet services. WAP allows you to load data onto any kind of wireless device . . .
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an open standard that enables wireless devices to communicate independently of vendor or wireless networks and thus more easily access information and Internet services. WAP allows you to load data onto any kind of wireless device equipped with a browser, regardless of the device's screen size or the transmission speed of the wireless connection.
Although the current version of WAP is much more secure than the initial versions used in browsers last year, it still may not offer enough security for some agencies, said Ken Hyers, senior analyst in the mobile commerce practice at Cahners In-stat Group, a high-tech market research firm. Anybody conducting transactions involving confidential or financial data should bring in a security specialist just as they would for a Web site incorporating those functions, he said.
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