The open source software from former e-commerce poster child Zelerate will live on, despite the company's demise in March, former boss Rob Ferber has promised. The All Commerce software was issued under the GNU General Public License, and boasted customers such . . .
The open source software from former e-commerce poster child Zelerate will live on, despite the company's demise in March, former boss Rob Ferber has promised. The All Commerce software was issued under the GNU General Public License, and boasted customers such as MCI, before joining the deadpool. In an update posted at the weekend, co-founder Rob Ferber said that trademarks will be relocated to a 'neutral party', "to get the[m] clear of the wreckage", and added he'd withdraw his patent applications if necessary:-
"I filed them in a hurry, and can break them if it becomes an issue," he wrote.
Linux security company Guardian Digital is one of several companies who've picked up the ball.
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