Vendors/Products - Page 52

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Gates: Microsoft to Tackle the Spyware Problem


Microsoft chairman Bill Gates says he's never had a computer virus, but that adware and malware have him ticked off enough that Microsoft plans to do something about them. Precisely what that might be Gates didn't say, although the figure "hundreds of millions" of dollars was mentioned. . . .

Panda Releases Network Security Appliances


Panda Software has launched a series of security network appliance designed to fight viruses, control spam, and filter out non-business or unapproved web surfing. The Panda GateDefender 8000 series includes four devices, designed for companies ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. . . .

Security Log


Trusted Computer Solutions Inc. has announced that it is developing a product called TCS Trusted Linux, a multilevel-secure version of the Linux operating system. . . .

Trustix Launches Web Hosting Appliance


September 27, 2004 - ( - Trustix, the internet infrastructure specialists, today announced the launch of their dedicated web hosting appliance XserverTM CP+. The appliance runs on the security hardened, server optimized Linux distribution, Trustix OS and is remotely managed using the intuitive and user friendly control panel, Trustix CP+. . . .

Mandrakesoft in Bid For EAL5 Certification


Linux vendor Mandrakesoft is teaming with a consortium of European partners in an effort to win Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 5 (EAL5), the highest security certification for defense and other highly sensitive areas of governmental IT operations. . . .