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Guarddog 0.9.2


Guarddog is firewall generation/management utility for KDE on Linux. It allows one to specify which protocols should be allowed and requires no knowledge of port numbers. It is intended for client machines and currently does not support router/gateway configurations. It can generate scripts for ipchains. . . .

Secure messaging offered


VERISIGN AND SLAM Dunk Networks are teaming up to offer a message delivery infrastructure that will guarantee business-to-business transaction participants that their messages will be protected, delivered, and properly accepted at their rightful destinations. . . .

Free software would block FBI's Carnivore


"Carnivore really underscored that there was an urgent need for everyone to have their e-mail encrypted," said Rick Gordon, president and chief executive officer of ChainMail. Though he insists he is not anti-FBI, he said allowing the agency to scan personal . . .

Security Vendors Ride The Merger Wave


Security vendors are showing the urge to merge, and that's proving good news for IT managers used to losing options when suppliers consolidate. Recent deals involving vendors looking to broaden their line of wares could actually make it easier to get . . .

Lucent Security Management Server 5.0 Gets a Face-Lift


Lucent Technologies' Lucent Security Management Server (LSMS) offers a robust management server for the company's VPN Firewall Brick security device. Now LSMS version 5.0 brings client download features and automated client update notices. VPN (virtual private network) clients, however, still need . . .

Linux Distribution Security Report


How are the various Linux distributions doing in terms of general security? In this article, a few observations on the results of a quasi-statistical analysis of the security fixes issued by Linux distributions are made. Also, looked at in this article . . .

Performance Comparison and Tuning


This article contains a series of slides which were presented at LinuxTag 2000. It compares the performance of FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and Solaris. Also, it offers ideas on performance tuning for these operating systems.