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What's the Best Linux Distro for Enhanced Privacy and Security?


This feature article was recently featured on the frontpage of Slashdot. While all Linux 'distros' — or distributed versions of Linux software — are secure by design, certain distros go above and beyond when it comes to protecting users' privacy and security. We've put together a list of our favorite specialized secure Linux distros and spoken with some of their lead developers to find out first-hand what makes these distros so great.

Debian GNU/Linux 10.8 “Buster” Released with 45 Security Updates


The Debian Project has released Debian GNU/Linux 10.8 as the eighth ISO release for the stable Debian GNU/Linux 10 “Buster” OS series. This release comes with 45 security updates and 56 updated packages with miscellaneous bug fixes, including the recently released Linux kernel security update addressing 11 flaws, as well as a patch for the recent sudo vulnerability.