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Most Security Products Fail First Certification Tests


In the software business, quality is often left behind in the rush to be latest and greatest. Security products are no exception, according to a study released Monday by ICSA Labs. ICSA Labs, a unit of Verizon Business, provides third-party testing and certification of security products. The company examined 20 years of its testing data to create the "ICSA Labs Product Assurance Report". The report indicates that nearly 80 percent of security products fail to perform as intended when first tested, and generally require two or more cycles of testing before achieving certification.

Web Security Tool Copies Apps' Moves


I'd sure like to see something like this for Linux. Could be very useful for secure helpdesk troubleshooting. Are you already doing something like this with a secured VNC? Nowadays, it's easy for developers to build fully fledged applications that run inside the browser. Keeping these applications safe from hackers is another matter. With this in mind, scientists at Microsoft Research have unveiled a new way to secure complex Web applications by effectively cloning the user's browser and running it remotely.

Wordpress Launches 2.8.6 Security Update


News, today, of the release of the latest security update for Wordpress, now revved to 2.8.6. Specific re-mediated issues are related to yet another cross site script flaw, as well as file sanitization challenges. More information direct from the developers makes an appearance after the jump. Update now.

New Microsoft patent may put Linux security components at risk


Microsoft has been granted a patent on a privilege escalation system which appears to cover the functionality of PolicyKit, which is used for fine grain authorisation on Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE and other Linux systems. The patent claims in 7,617,530 appear to be for system software which, when an application needs a higher privilege level, displays a graphical list of users with the privileges required to perform the task. Selecting one of the users and entering that user's password allows the task to be performed with that users privilege.

New iPhone malware spotted


Hot on the heels of the ikee worm, a second piece of iPhone-related malware has appeared, which enables hackers to connect to any device that has been jailbroken and still has an unchanged root password. Jailbreaking is a term used to define iPhones that have been hacked by users to enable software other than that available through the App Store to be installed.

New Worm Gives Jailbroken iPhones the Ol' Rickroll


The Internet prank known as "Rickrolling" has made its way to iPhones in the form of a worm that infects jailbroken versions of the device. The worm is more annoying than harmful -- it even appears to lock the door behind it, preventing similar attacks from slipping in. However, security pros are concerned that a hacker with malicious intentions may exploit the vulnerability the worm highlights.

Firefox Tops Vulnerability List


Application security vendor Cenzic today released its security trends report for the first half of 2009 application. In it, Cenzic claims that the Mozilla's Firefox browser led the field of Web browsers in terms of total vulnerabilities.

Skype to Become Open Source


This tempts us to say that besides its GUI and billing service, Skype doesn't own much of its application. Secondly, an open source Skype will nurture potentially serious security issues. With thousands of hands able to make surgery into the app, the prejudice to Skype might potentially stem from simple network attacks to stealing calling credit. In the best case, it's going to be harder for Skype to manage the application.

10 Reasons Why Google Android Is Secure


News Analysis: Google's Android platform is a relatively secure operating system. It has a number of features that make it a fine alternative to the iPhone. But it's important for users to understand just how Google built security into the mobile operating system.

VMware patches vulnerabilities in its products


VMware has released updates for its ESX Server to fix vulnerabilities in the DHCP Client, DHCP Server, Service Console kernel and Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The security announcement lists a total of 48 CVE entries. The vulnerabilities can be exploited to carry out denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or to compromise systems.

WordPress 2.8.5 offers improved security


WordPress version 2.8.5 promises better security. Described by the development team as a 'hardening release', it contains a number of functions back ported from the version 2.9 beta which should make the blogging system more resistant to attack. According to developer Peter Westwood, these include a fix for Trackback related denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and the deletion of areas of code which allowed PHP code in variables to be executed via the eval() function.

Windows 7 security in pictures


Nice pictorial on security features in Windows 7. Does Linux have all of these? Are there any that are better in Linux? See what security features are new and improved in Windows 7 in this slideshow, emphasizing what you can do from the Action Center's security tools.

Ubuntu Linux adds private cloud


Canonical is touting private cloud capabilities in an upgrade to its Ubuntu Linux OS being announced on Tuesday. Available for free download on October 29, Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition introduces UEC (Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud), an open source cloud computing environment based on the same APIs as Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud). Businesses can take advantage of private clouds, Canonical said.