2 - 3 min read
Dec 03, 2018
Thank you for reading the LinuxSecurity.com weekly security newsletter. The purpose of this document is to provide our readers with a quick summary of each week's most relevant Linux security headlines.
Feature Extras:
How SQL / NoSQL Databases Enable Blockchain Applications to Become GDPR Compliant - Blockchain, being a decentralized & dis-intermediated data store, is being considered for rapid adoption, in several industries like Supply Chain Management, P2P Global Transactions, Internet of Things, Electoral Voting, Stock Exchanges etc...
Email Security FAQs Answered by Guardian Digital - With email-related attacks becoming increasingly prevalent and serious, effectively securing your email accounts is more important than ever before.
(Nov 26) |
One of Intel's fixes for the Spectre variant 2 chip flaw (CVE- 2017-5715) appears to have taken a big bite out of the performance of the latest Linux kernel.
(Nov 25) |
Technology has changed the meaning of how we interpret security and privacy in this digital millennium. We've made tools that can prevent major vulnerabilities, with years of research, and debugging, to finally prevent disruptions in our workflow from occurring.
(Nov 28) |
The module "event-steam" was infected with malware by an anonymous someone who became an admin on the project.
Uber fined £900,000 by UK, Dutch privacy regulators over 2016 data breach (Nov 27) |
Uber has been fined over £900,000 by UK and Dutch watchdogs in relation to a 2016 data breach which impacted customer data.
Dell suffers security breach, reset customer passwords (but didn't tell customers why until now) (Nov 29) |
Computer manufacturer Dell has revealed that earlier this month it discovered that hackers had breached its security and were attempting to access customer details - including names, email addresses, and hashed passwords.
(Nov 29) |
The PCI Security Standards Council (SSC), which drafts many payment card industry security standards, meets annually in Europe, Asia-Pacific and North America to share new standards, gather feedback from the community, and discuss the burning issues of the day. Security professionals who have to comply with PCI standards need to stay abreast of these updates.
(Nov 28) |
Following the death of an investigative journalist known for exploring the world of Mexican drug cartels, a colleague was targeted with Pegasus, a surveillance solution apparently sold to governments only for use in criminal cases.
LinkedIn violated data protection by using 18M email addresses of non-members to buy targeted ads on (Nov 25) |
LinkedIn, the social network for the working world with close to 600 million users, has been called out a number of times for how it is able to suggest uncanny connections to you, when it's not even clear how or why LinkedIn would know enough to make those suggestions in the first place.
(Nov 28) |
We've had secretive data profiling, Cambridge Analytica and, of course, the recent big data breach. Now, it seems Facebook has found a new way to inadvertently torment us: resurfacing old chat messages.
German Regulator Fines Firm for GDPR Failings (Nov 26) |
A German privacy regulator has issued its first GDPR fine after a hacker stole unencrypted data on hundreds of thousands of customers of a local chat app.
(Nov 30) |
Millions of records were lost, services were disrupted, and credit card data was stolen as hackers ran amok over the year.
EU Voters Worried About Election Hacking and Disinformation (Nov 27) |
UK voters are among the most concerned in Europe that elections could be sabotaged by cyber-attacks, according to a new European Commission study.