Linux admins and security practitioners, 

We're all deeply involved in safeguarding critical assets, ranging from software and hardware to sensitive data. Faced with advanced cyber threats, how do we track, manage, and secure these assets effectively? IT asset management is key to this challenge. What approaches are you taking? Let's share insights and strategies for IT asset management.

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Brittany Signature 150 Esm W150

Securing IT Assets: Practical Strategies for Linux Admins & IT Teams

19 Esm W350

Have you ever wondered why your organization needs IT asset management? ITAM or IT asset management ensures your organization's assets are deployed, upgraded, maintained, accounted for, and disposed of in due time. It ensures that your organization's valuable items (both tangible and intangible) are being used and tracked. IT assets often have a finite period of use, so to maximize their value, they must be proactively managed. This is where IT asset management comes into play. Read on as we discuss IT asset management and security in Linux and provide practical advice Linux admins can implement for secure IT management.

Learn About Secure ITAM>

How to Secure Your Data Warehouse in a Linux System

31 Esm W350

The world of enterprise solutions relies heavily on effective data management. Standard systems, which work great for small businesses, break down once you have thousands of moving components operating worldwide -  if not hundreds of thousands. Maintaining unstructured data, primarily if your business operates on a global scale, isn’t just a waste of resources; it’s also a risk to your company. Understanding how to properly organize and secure your information in a data warehouse within a Linux system can help you prevent cyberattacks from inside and outside your company while keeping your data safe. We examine what a data warehouse is and what may put yours at risk. We then share practical measures for improving data warehouse security.

Learn How To Improve Data Warehouse Security>

Comprehensive Security Validation and Breach and Attack Simulation for Linux

7 Esm W350

Cybersecurity threats are becoming more imminent daily in today's fast-paced digital landscape. In 2023, there were 2365 cybersecurity attacks, an increase of 72% from 2021. These attacks are also becoming more sophisticated daily, making traditional security measures inadequate. Admins and companies must resort to more advanced security methods to prevent the loss of sensitive data and operational disruption due to security threats. We explore using Breach and Attack simulations (BAS), a cutting-edge cybersecurity technique, to protect your organization from cybersecurity threats. 

Learn How To Implement BAS>