Debian Security Advisory DSA 598-1                     security@debian.org 
Debian -- Security Information                              Martin Schulze
November 25th, 2004                      Debian -- Debian security FAQ 

Package        : yardradius
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID         : CAN-2004-0987
Debian Bug     : 278384

Max Vozeler noticed that yardradius, the YARD radius authentication
and accounting server, contained a stack overflow similar to the one
from radiusd which is referenced as CAN-2001-0534.  This could lead to
the execution of arbitrary code as root.

For the stable distribution (woody) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.0.20-2woody1.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.0.20-15.

We recommend that you upgrade your yardradius package immediately.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
        will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
        will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
        will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody

  Source archives:

      Size/MD5 checksum:      630 3aa3c2019a9a5114e0f531fe808e93b3
      Size/MD5 checksum:     6768 f3643f6f13de7280c19e4c7df503ea11
      Size/MD5 checksum:   399573 787b1f8784c67cab2702839db6644b9b

  Alpha architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   350220 e0274a5766e8c3d18800c06282727df1

  ARM architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   301448 06828b440337022ae6b1855fbae31f82

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   295412 4f56c4fdeca63b85808065b4f3e27a7f

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   370222 36703ed2eed705e8e1a3397a3d88d427

  HP Precision architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   312196 59888ec88aa91f6cf58dda032df8a5b5

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   289912 55788e327ca665e7ab889e82b8dec833

  Big endian MIPS architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   326438 6e7d29dd1ad61bffef233c031fe7e73c

  Little endian MIPS architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   327300 4a0a6d0009d271f458d2c7b87ea1a9f2

  PowerPC architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   302024 69d8d6a7d65e1dbd006309420926cb94

  IBM S/390 architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   298984 0551ab5072e14b3eeb81e23c3a4658df

  Sun Sparc architecture:

      Size/MD5 checksum:   325768 2edb916d3d3dda25e8919b32ba3e96ba

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

For apt-get: deb  Debian -- Security Information  stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp:    dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org
Package info: `apt-cache show ' and  http://packages.debian.org/

Debian: yardradius arbitrary code execution fix

November 25, 2004
Max Vozeler noticed that yardradius, the YARD radius authentication and accounting server, contained a stack overflow similar to the one from radiusd which is referenced as CAN-200...


Max Vozeler noticed that yardradius, the YARD radius authentication
and accounting server, contained a stack overflow similar to the one
from radiusd which is referenced as CAN-2001-0534. This could lead to
the execution of arbitrary code as root.

For the stable distribution (woody) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.0.20-2woody1.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.0.20-15.

We recommend that you upgrade your yardradius package immediately.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody

Source ar...

Read the Full Advisory

Package : yardradius
CVE ID : CAN-2004-0987

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