Package        : libxml-libxml-perl
Version        : 2.0001+dfsg-1+deb7u2
CVE ID         : CVE-2017-10672
Debian Bug     : 866676

The XML::LibXML perl module is affected by a "use-after-free"
vulnerability which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by
controlling the arguments to a replaceChild() call.

For Debian 7 "Wheezy", these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your libxml-libxml-perl packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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Debian LTS: DLA-1171-1: libxml-libxml-perl security update

November 14, 2017
The XML::LibXML perl module is affected by a "use-after-free" vulnerability which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by controlling the arguments to a replaceChild()...


We recommend that you upgrade your libxml-libxml-perl packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

Support Debian LTS:
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Package        : libxml-libxml-perl 
Version : 2.0001+dfsg-1+deb7u2
CVE ID : CVE-2017-10672
Debian Bug : 866676

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