Debian LTS: DLA-1666-1: freerdp security update
Functional improvements:
With help from FreeRDP upstream (cudos to Bernhard Miklautz and
Martin Fleisz) we are happy to announce that RDP proto v6 and CredSSP
v3 support have been backported to the old FreeRDP 1.1 branch.
Since Q2/2018, Microsoft Windows servers and clients received an
update that defaulted their RDP server to proto version 6. Since this
change, people have not been able anymore to connect to recently
updated MS Windows machines using old the FreeRDP 1.1 branch as found
in Debian jessie LTS and Debian stretch.
With the recent FreeRDP upload to Debian jessie LTS, connecting to
up-to-date MS Windows machines is now again possible.
Security issues:
FreeRDP contained an integer truncation that lead to a heap-based
buffer overflow in function update_read_bitmap_update() and resulted
in a memory corruption and probably even a remote code execution.
FreeRDP contained an integer overflow that l...
Package :freerdp