Debian LTS: DLA-1673-1: wordpress security update
Authors could modify metadata to bypass intended restrictions on
deleting files.
Contributors could conduct PHP object injection attacks via crafted
metadata in a wp.getMediaItem XMLRPC call. This is caused by
mishandling of serialized data at phar:// URLs in the
wp_get_attachment_thumb_file function in wp-includes/post.php.
When the Apache HTTP Server is used, authors could upload crafted
files that bypass intended MIME type restrictions, leading to XSS,
as demonstrated by a .jpg file without JPEG data.
Crafted URLs could trigger XSS for certain use cases involving
The user-activation page could be read by a search engine's web
crawler if an unusual configuration were chosen. The search engine
could then index and display a user's e-mail address and (rarely)
the password that was generated by default.
Authors could bypass intended restrictions on post type...