Package        : ruby2.1
Version        : 2.1.5-2+deb8u7
CVE ID         : CVE-2019-8320 CVE-2019-8322 CVE-2019-8323 CVE-2019-8324

Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in rubygems embedded in
ruby2.1, the interpreted scripting language.


    A Directory Traversal issue was discovered in RubyGems. Before
    making new directories or touching files (which now include
    path-checking code for symlinks), it would delete the target


    The gem owner command outputs the contents of the API response
    directly to stdout. Therefore, if the response is crafted, escape
    sequence injection may occur.


    Gem::GemcutterUtilities#with_response may output the API response to
    stdout as it is. Therefore, if the API side modifies the response,
    escape sequence injection may occur.


    A crafted gem with a multi-line name is not handled correctly.
    Therefore, an attacker could inject arbitrary code to the stub line
    of gemspec, which is eval-ed by code in ensure_loadable_spec during
    the preinstall check.


    An issue was discovered in RubyGems 2.6 and later through 3.0.2.
    Since Gem::CommandManager#run calls alert_error without escaping,
    escape sequence injection is possible. (There are many ways to cause
    an error.)

For Debian 8 "Jessie", these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your ruby2.1 packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at:

Debian LTS: DLA-1735-1: ruby2.1 security update

March 29, 2019
Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in rubygems embedded in ruby2.1, the interpreted scripting language



A Directory Traversal issue was discovered in RubyGems. Before
making new directories or touching files (which now include
path-checking code for symlinks), it would delete the target


The gem owner command outputs the contents of the API response
directly to stdout. Therefore, if the response is crafted, escape
sequence injection may occur.


Gem::GemcutterUtilities#with_response may output the API response to
stdout as it is. Therefore, if the API side modifies the response,
escape sequence injection may occur.


A crafted gem with a multi-line name is not handled correctly.
Therefore, an attacker could inject arbitrary code to the stub line
of gemspec, which is eval-ed by code in ensure_loadable_spec during
the preinstall check.


An issue was discovered in RubyGems 2.6 and later through 3.0.2.
Since Gem::CommandManager#run calls alert_error without escaping,

Read the Full Advisory

Package : ruby2.1
Version : 2.1.5-2+deb8u7
CVE ID : CVE-2019-8320 CVE-2019-8322 CVE-2019-8323 CVE-2019-8324

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