---------------------------------------------------------------------Fedora Update Notification
---------------------------------------------------------------------Product     : Fedora Core 5
Name        : pcmciautils
Version     : 012                      
Release     : 0.FC5.2                  
Summary     : PCMCIA utilities and initialization programs
Description :
The pcmciautils package contains utilities for initializing and
debugging PCMCIA and Cardbus sockets.

---------------------------------------------------------------------Update Information:

User with pcmcia, namely Laptop users, who experience a
hangup  at "Starting udev" should update to this package.

Boot from a rescue CD.
# cd /mnt/sysimage
# mv sbin/pcmcia-socket-startup sbin/pcmcia-socket-startup.bak
# cd ..
# reboot

Then try to boot and update your system.
If can't update without your pcmcia cards and they need
pcmcia-socket-startup, then changing the lines

include port 0x100-0x3af, port 0x3c0-0x3d2, port 0x3d4-0x4ff
include port 0x800-0x8ff, port 0xc00-0xcff


include port 0x100-0x3af
include port 0x3e0-0x4ff
include port 0x820-0x8ff
include port 0xc00-0xcf7

in the file /etc/pcmcia/config.opts may help.
---------------------------------------------------------------------* Thu Mar 23 2006 Harald Hoyer  012-0.FC5.2
- version 012 fixes #186164

---------------------------------------------------------------------This update can be downloaded from:
9052dd1955ca70e80e874032699d1d6a10befdfd  SRPMS/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.src.rpm
0e17479ae1b5886364d4cd81293d3a11712cb4ba  ppc/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.ppc.rpm
124cd159c4aea79fedf94228b04471beb91916c5  ppc/debug/pcmciautils-debuginfo-012-0.FC5.2.ppc.rpm
eb6eb29e0ca81019c86c311a0160a019414e46e4  x86_64/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.x86_64.rpm
d30f11ab0f1825777f4c830f9ef689c85af302ca  x86_64/debug/pcmciautils-debuginfo-012-0.FC5.2.x86_64.rpm
6fe5d52c1af6c833b9f9dbf9153de43de285ec27  i386/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.i386.rpm
a2596c135c6295302f50c8aed2c1cce9179ecfc2  i386/debug/pcmciautils-debuginfo-012-0.FC5.2.i386.rpm

This update can be installed with the 'yum' update program.  Use 'yum update
package-name' at the command line.  For more information, refer to 'Managing
Software with yum,' available at .
fedora-announce-list mailing list

Fedora Core 5 Update: pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2

April 3, 2006
User with pcmcia, namely Laptop users, who experience a hangup at "Starting udev" should update to this package.


The pcmciautils package contains utilities for initializing and

debugging PCMCIA and Cardbus sockets.

User with pcmcia, namely Laptop users, who experience a

hangup at "Starting udev" should update to this package.

Boot from a rescue CD.

# cd /mnt/sysimage

# mv sbin/pcmcia-socket-startup sbin/pcmcia-socket-startup.bak

# cd ..

# reboot

Then try to boot and update your system.

If can't update without your pcmcia cards and they need

pcmcia-socket-startup, then changing the lines

include port 0x100-0x3af, port 0x3c0-0x3d2, port 0x3d4-0x4ff

include port 0x800-0x8ff, port 0xc00-0xcff


include port 0x100-0x3af

include port 0x3e0-0x4ff

include port 0x820-0x8ff

include port 0xc00-0xcf7

in the file /etc/pcmcia/config.opts may help.

- version 012 fixes #186164

9052dd1955ca70e80e874032699d1d6a10befdfd SRPMS/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.src.rpm

0e17479ae1b5886364d4cd81293d3a11712cb4ba ppc/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.ppc.rpm

124cd159c4aea79fedf94228b04471beb91916c5 ppc/debug/pcmciautils-debuginfo-012-0.FC5.2.ppc.rpm

eb6eb29e0ca81019c86c311a0160a019414e46e4 x86_64/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.x86_64.rpm

d30f11ab0f1825777f4c830f9ef689c85af302ca x86_64/debug/pcmciautils-debuginfo-012-0.FC5.2.x86_64.rpm

6fe5d52c1af6c833b9f9dbf9153de43de285ec27 i386/pcmciautils-012-0.FC5.2.i386.rpm

a2596c135c6295302f50c8aed2c1cce9179ecfc2 i386/debug/pcmciautils-debuginfo-012-0.FC5.2.i386.rpm

This update can be installed with the 'yum' update program. Use 'yum update

package-name' at the command line. For more information, refer to 'Managing

Software with yum,' available at .

fedora-announce-list mailing list



Change Log


Update Instructions

Name : pcmciautils
Version : 012
Release : 0.FC5.2
Summary : PCMCIA utilities and initialization programs

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