Fedora: freenet6 wrong file permissions
Change Log
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debian Security Advisory DSA 555-1 security@debian.org Debian -- Security Information Martin Schulze September 30th, 2004 Debian -- Debian security FAQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package : freenet6 Vulnerability : wrong file permissions Problem-Type : local Debian-specific: yes CVE ID : CAN-2004-0563 Debian Bug : 254709 Simon Josefsson noticed that the tspc.conf configuration file in freenet6, a client to configure an IPv6 tunnel to freenet6.net, is set world readable. This file can contain the username and the password used to contact the IPv6 tunnelbroker freenet6.net. For the stable distribution (woody) this problem has been fixed in version 0.9.6-1woody2. For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in version 1.0-2.2. We recommend that you upgrade your freenet6 package. Upgrade Instructions -------------------- wget url will fetch the file for you dpkg -i file.deb will install the referenced file. If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for sources.list as given below: apt-get update will update the internal database apt-get upgrade will install corrected packages You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the footer to the proper configuration. Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody -------------------------------- Source archives: Size/MD5 checksum: 577 07d5a61effbf3748e61db855bf0afb4a Size/MD5 checksum: 12385 9a30a4b9420bd4949e375358f974addc Size/MD5 checksum: 334333 c846c0e734d93c7abdc1553781e1fa5b Alpha architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 42380 3865b018d1808f349ade4d0d9e010af1 ARM architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 39996 a9f3b9d6b98173bdbc0173b32b602698 Intel IA-32 architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 38434 2217e61b208d1a7a0ba7aa358861946a Intel IA-64 architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 54672 d8f7d48de839f7b117cb91da4880f1e3 HP Precision architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 39498 efb23a7b33d5c75dc12774b924f7adb7 Motorola 680x0 architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 37766 2c81680bcbd3a113e1e3f3cd08446e7c Big endian MIPS architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 40490 0181be8c2a012f601872e02284ad22e6 Little endian MIPS architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 40538 a2f052292ddfadd2cf5f99d67e4b20fa PowerPC architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 38578 5e0aad661c57e19ed64376ee5d59a932 IBM S/390 architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 39094 3e3f26c92e1ff8169bc5016a8215e11e Sun Sparc architecture: Size/MD5 checksum: 41458 1d3b8998d4dc533f4e6af82386e92515 These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on its next update. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For apt-get: deb Debian -- Security Information stable/updates main For dpkg-ftp: dists/stable/updates/main Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org Package info: `apt-cache show' and http://packages.debian.org/