Fedora: gnome-bluetooth-0.5.1-5.FC3.1 update
This package contains a Bonobo server to control Bluetooth devices,
and a simple GUI to explore which devices are available
(gnome-bluetooth-admin). Also, an OBEX server is available,
gnome-obex-server. This will receive files sent via Bluetooth to your PC,
and save them in your home directory.
- fixed again gnome-bluetooth-manager script for 64bit (bug 134864)
- include libgnomebt.so symlink
f8e9eb1ad3cb7ea6c062231705adaec1 SRPMS/gnome-bluetooth-0.5.1-5.FC3.1.src.rpm
c5e06cc92ff2e4fd80e6f3701ff63f77 x86_64/gnome-bluetooth-0.5.1-5.FC3.1.x86_64.rpm
8b53078244d01cddb6d58bd9285869b9 x86_64/debug/gnome-bluetooth-debuginfo-0.5.1-5.FC3.1.x86_64.rpm
124127c200780cd6d8c87a9115256dcf i386/gnome-bluetooth-0.5.1-5.FC3.1.i386.rpm
cbbd601e0ecd6f601140540ccaa2c044 i386/debug/gnome-bluetooth-debuginfo-0.5.1-5.FC3.1.i386.rpm
This update can also be installed with the Update Agent; you can
launch the Update Agent with the 'up2date' command.
Change Log