openSUSE: 2011:0762-1: critical: mariadb
The last security version upgrade of MariaDB (a MySQL fork) removed innodb support, breaking old databases. This update fixes this problem. - #704811: mariadb "security update" breaks database Special Instructions and Notes: This update triggers a restart of the software management stack. More updates will be available for installation after applying this update and restarting the application. This update triggers a restart of the software management stack. More updates will be available for installation after applying this update and restarting the application. This update triggers a restart of the software management stack. More updates will be available for installation after applying this update and restarting the application.
Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Security Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 11.4: zypper in -t patch libmariadbclient16-4864 - openSUSE 11.3: zypper in -t patch libmariadbclient16-4869 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch".
Package List
- openSUSE 11.4 (i586 x86_64): libmariadbclient16-5.1.55-0.5.1 libmariadbclient_r16-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-bench-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-client-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-debug-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-test-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-tools-5.1.55-0.5.1 - openSUSE 11.3 (i586 x86_64) [New Version: 5.1.55]: libmariadbclient16-5.1.55-0.5.1 libmariadbclient_r16-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-bench-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-client-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-debug-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-test-5.1.55-0.5.1 mariadb-tools-5.1.55-0.5.1