SciLinux: CVE-2007-3089 thunderbird SL5.x, SL4.x, SL3,x i386/x86_64
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 16:04:47 -0500Reply-To: Troy DawsonSender: Security Errata for Scientific Linux From: Troy Dawson Subject: Security ERRATA for thunderbird on SL5.x, SL4.x, SL3,x i386/x86_64Comments: To: scientific-linux-errata@fnal.govSynopsis: Moderate: thunderbird security updateIssue date: 2007-07-18CVE Names: CVE-2007-3089 CVE-2007-3734 CVE-2007-3735 CVE-2007-3736 CVE-2007-3737 CVE-2007-3738Several flaws were found in the way Thunderbird processed certainmalformed JavaScript code. A malicious HTML email message containingJavaScript code could cause Thunderbird to crash or potentially executearbitrary code as the user running Thunderbird. JavaScript support isdisabled by default in Thunderbird; these issues are not exploitableunless the user has enabled JavaScript. (CVE-2007-3089, CVE-2007-3734,CVE-2007-3735, CVE-2007-3736, CVE-2007-3737, CVE-2007-3738)SL 3.0.x SRPMS: thunderbird- i386: thunderbird- x86_64: thunderbird- 4.x SRPMS: thunderbird- i386: thunderbird- x86_64: thunderbird- 5.x SRPMS: thunderbird- i386: thunderbird- x86_64: thunderbird- Sieh-Troy Dawson