SciLinux: CVE-2007-3389 wireshark SL5.x i386/x86_64
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 16:53:27 -0600Reply-To: Troy DawsonSender: Security Errata for Scientific Linux From: Troy Dawson Subject: Security ERRATA for wireshark on SL5.x i386/x86_64Comments: To: scientific-linux-errata@fnal.govSynopsis: Low: wireshark security updateIssue date: 2007-11-07CVE Names: CVE-2007-3389 CVE-2007-3390 CVE-2007-3391 CVE-2007-3392 CVE-2007-3393Several denial of service bugs were found in Wireshark's HTTP, iSeries, DCP ETSI, SSL, MMS, DHCP and BOOTP protocol dissectors. It was possible for Wireshark to crash or stop responding if it read a malformed packet off the network. (CVE-2007-3389, CVE-2007-3390, CVE-2007-3391, CVE-2007-3392, CVE-2007-3393)SL 5.x SRPMS:wireshark-0.99.6-1.el5.src.rpm i386:wireshark-0.99.6-1.el5.i386.rpmwireshark-gnome-0.99.6-1.el5.i386.rpm x86_64:wireshark-0.99.6-1.el5.x86_64.rpmwireshark-gnome-0.99.6-1.el5.x86_64.rpm-Connie Sieh-Troy Dawson