Hash: SHA1

[slackware-security]  cups (SSA:2008-312-01)

New cups packages are available for Slackware 12.0, 12.1, and -current to
fix security issues.

More details about this issue may be found in the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database:


Here are the details from the Slackware 12.1 ChangeLog:
Fri Nov  7 22:23:40 CST 2008
patches/packages/cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz:  Upgraded to cups-1.3.9.
  This update fixes three vulnerabilities in the SGI image format filter, the
  texttops filter, and the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 plotter format filter.  All three
  of these could result in a denial of service, and the plotter filter issue
  could possibly be used to execute code as the print spooler user.
  For more information, see:
  (* Security fix *)

Where to find the new packages:

HINT:  Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com?
Give slackware.osuosl.org a try.  This is another primary FTP site
for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading
directly from ftp.slackware.com.

Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab
(https://osuosl.org/) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting
to the Slackware project!  :-)

Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://www.slackware.com/ for
additional mirror sites near you.

Updated package for Slackware 12.0:

Updated package for Slackware 12.1:

Updated package for Slackware -current:

MD5 signatures:

Slackware 12.0 package:
26ebf49b262c56e192eaffe3e13a4bab  cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.0.tgz

Slackware 12.1 package:
83cbf4c736362d5e9864f8694082500f  cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz

Slackware -current package:
17130c48a822d3c0310a6ad3df138521  cups-1.3.9-i486-1.tgz

Installation instructions:

Upgrade the package as root:
# upgradepkg cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz

If the machine is running the CUPS server, restart it:

# sh /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart


Slackware: 2008-312-01: cups Security Update

November 8, 2008
New cups packages are available for Slackware 12.0, 12.1, and -current to fix security issues


Here are the details from the Slackware 12.1 ChangeLog: Fri Nov 7 22:23:40 CST 2008 patches/packages/cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz: Upgraded to cups-1.3.9. This update fixes three vulnerabilities in the SGI image format filter, the texttops filter, and the HP-GL and HP-GL/2 plotter format filter. All three of these could result in a denial of service, and the plotter filter issue could possibly be used to execute code as the print spooler user. For more information, see: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3639 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3640 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3641 (* Security fix *)

Where Find New Packages

HINT: Getting slow download speeds from ftp.slackware.com? Give slackware.osuosl.org a try. This is another primary FTP site for Slackware that can be considerably faster than downloading directly from ftp.slackware.com.
Thanks to the friendly folks at the OSU Open Source Lab (https://osuosl.org/) for donating additional FTP and rsync hosting to the Slackware project! :-)
Also see the "Get Slack" section on http://www.slackware.com/ for additional mirror sites near you.
Updated package for Slackware 12.0:
Updated package for Slackware 12.1:
Updated package for Slackware -current:

MD5 Signatures

Slackware 12.0 package: 26ebf49b262c56e192eaffe3e13a4bab cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.0.tgz
Slackware 12.1 package: 83cbf4c736362d5e9864f8694082500f cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz
Slackware -current package: 17130c48a822d3c0310a6ad3df138521 cups-1.3.9-i486-1.tgz

[slackware-security] cups (SSA:2008-312-01)
New cups packages are available for Slackware 12.0, 12.1, and -current to fix security issues.
More details about this issue may be found in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database:
http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3639 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3640 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-3641

Installation Instructions

Installation instructions: Upgrade the package as root: # upgradepkg cups-1.3.9-i486-1_slack12.1.tgz If the machine is running the CUPS server, restart it: # sh /etc/rc.d/rc.cups restart

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