Slackware: 2009-116-02: bitchx EOLed in Slackware Security Update
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 [slackware-security] bitchx EOLed in Slackware (SSA:2009-116-02) This is a notice that bitchx, an IRC client based on ircii-EPIC4, has been removed from Slackware -current and will not be part of future Slackware releases. Security issues and bugs have been reported, but upstream work seems to have stalled leaving bitchx in a state where there are known problems without official (or in some cases any) fixes. The most secure course of action is to remove bitchx from the system and switch to using a supported IRC client. We have not compiled a complete list of open issues in BitchX, but here are a few that we know about: Package removal instructions: +---------------------------+ Remove the package as root: # removepkg bitchx Some admins may also want to add a symlink to another console IRC client such as irssi to help users migrate: cd /usr/bin ln -sf irssi BitchX +-----+