
                        SuSE Security Announcement

        Package:  inn <= 2.2.1
        Date:     Wed Nov 24 18:54:33 CET 1999

        Affected SuSE versions: 5.3 - 6.3
        Vulnerability Type:     remote denial-of-service attack
        SuSE default package:   no
        Other affected systems: all unix systems using inn <= 2.2.1

A security hole was discovered in the package mentioned above.
Please update as soon as possible or disable the service if you are using
this software on your SuSE Linux installation(s).

Other Linux distributions or operating systems might be affected as
well, please contact your vendor for information about this issue.

Please note, that that we provide this information on an "as-is" basis only.
There is no warranty whatsoever and no liability for any direct, indirect or
incidental damage arising from this information or the installation of
the update package.

1. Problem Description

  The Inter Net News server inn does not do proper bounds checking.

2. Impact

  The daemon could be crashed remotely by overflowing the static buffers.

3. Solution

  Update the package from our FTP server.
  The fixed inn package for 6.3-AXP is included in the SuSE-AXP distribution.
  Our maintainer of inn tries to build a RPM for 5.3, which will as soon as
  possible be available if everything goes well.

Please verify these md5 checksums of the updates before installing:

  b37b74d4ca8e4a7a22e1e4bac620e68b  inn-2.2.1-24.alpha.rpm  (6.1, AXP)
  51d1dd707a53eb9dc49eeac06c86e2c2  inn-2.2.1-24.i386.rpm   (6.1, x86)
  833f6814deefac2524cd3bac705a271d  inn-2.2.1-24.i386.rpm   (6.2, x86)
  fc4673cc8fd04dca5ff061a48e861b39  inn-2.2.1-23.i386.rpm   (6.3, x86)


You can find updates on our ftp-Server:

or try the following web pages for a list of mirrors:

Our webpage for patches:

Our webpage for security announcements:

If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact

Security hole in inn <= 2.2.1

December 8, 1999
The Inter Net News server inn does not do proper bounds checking.



                        SuSE Security Announcement

        Package:  inn <= 2.2.1
        Date:     Wed Nov 24 18:54:33 CET 1999

        Affected SuSE versions: 5.3 - 6.3
        Vulnerability Type:     remote denial-of-service attack
        SuSE default package:   no
        Other affected systems: all unix systems using inn <= 2.2.1

A security hole was discovered in the package mentioned above.
Please update as soon as possible or disable the service if you are using
this software on your SuSE Linux installation(s).

Other Linux distributions or operating systems might be affected as
well, please contact your vendor for information about this issue.

Please note, that that we provide this information on an "as-is" basis only.
There is no warranty whatsoever and no liability for any direct, indirect or
incidental damage arising from this information or the installation of
the update package.

1. Problem Description

  The Inter Net News server inn does not do proper bounds checking.

2. Impact

  The daemon could be crashed remotely by overflowing the static buffers.

3. Solution

  Update the package from our FTP server.
  The fixed inn package for 6.3-AXP is included in the SuSE-AXP distribution.
  Our maintainer of inn tries to build a RPM for 5.3, which will as soon as
  possible be available if everything goes well.

Please verify these md5 checksums of the updates before installing:

  b37b74d4ca8e4a7a22e1e4bac620e68b  inn-2.2.1-24.alpha.rpm  (6.1, AXP)
  51d1dd707a53eb9dc49eeac06c86e2c2  inn-2.2.1-24.i386.rpm   (6.1, x86)
  833f6814deefac2524cd3bac705a271d  inn-2.2.1-24.i386.rpm   (6.2, x86)
  fc4673cc8fd04dca5ff061a48e861b39  inn-2.2.1-23.i386.rpm   (6.3, x86)


You can find updates on our ftp-Server:

or try the following web pages for a list of mirrors:

Our webpage for patches:

Our webpage for security announcements:

If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact



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