
                        SuSE Security Announcement

        Package:  mars_nwe 0.99 and earlier
        Date:     Fri Sep 17 10:53:58 CEST 1999
        Affected: all Linux distributions using mars_nwe 0.99 and earlier

A security hole was discovered in the package mentioned above.
Please update as soon as possible or disable the service if you are using
this software on your SuSE Linux installation(s).

Other Linux distributions or operating systems might be affected as
well, please contact your vendor for information about this issue.

Please note, that that we provide this information on as "as-is" basis only.
There is no warranty whatsoever and no liability for any direct, indirect or
incidental damage arising from this information or the installation of
the update package.

1. Problem Description

  The mars_nwe tools are vulnerable to several buffer overflows.

2. Impact

  An attacker might get root access to the system.

3. Solution

  Updated the mars_nwe package from our FTP server.

Here are the md5 checksums of the upgrade packages, please verify these
before installing the new packages:

marsnwe-0.99.pl17-29.i386.rpm   5bc19a3237653574f97559434f0cf364  (5.3)
marsnwe-0.99.pl17-54.alpha.rpm  19c2c8848ad6f4707048ab2bbf7ab5f0  (AXP)
marsnwe-0.99.pl17-54.i386.rpm   9894d90ecbfca1bcc2bd8add99b90a71  (6.1)
marsnwe-0.99.pl17-12.i386.rpm   c9841dde2cbca88fe53447c3d762f510  (6.2)

You will find the update on our ftp-Server:

Webpage for patches:

or try the following web pages for a list of mirrors:

Security hole in mars_nwe

December 8, 1999
The mars_nwe tools are vulnerable to several buffer overflows.



                        SuSE Security Announcement

        Package:  mars_nwe 0.99 and earlier
        Date:     Fri Sep 17 10:53:58 CEST 1999
        Affected: all Linux distributions using mars_nwe 0.99 and earlier

A security hole was discovered in the package mentioned above.
Please update as soon as possible or disable the service if you are using
this software on your SuSE Linux installation(s).

Other Linux distributions or operating systems might be affected as
well, please contact your vendor for information about this issue.

Please note, that that we provide this information on as "as-is" basis only.
There is no warranty whatsoever and no liability for any direct, indirect or
incidental damage arising from this information or the installation of
the update package.

1. Problem Description

  The mars_nwe tools are vulnerable to several buffer overflows.

2. Impact

  An attacker might get root access to the system.

3. Solution

  Updated the mars_nwe package from our FTP server.

Here are the md5 checksums of the upgrade packages, please verify these
before installing the new packages:

marsnwe-0.99.pl17-29.i386.rpm   5bc19a3237653574f97559434f0cf364  (5.3)
marsnwe-0.99.pl17-54.alpha.rpm  19c2c8848ad6f4707048ab2bbf7ab5f0  (AXP)
marsnwe-0.99.pl17-54.i386.rpm   9894d90ecbfca1bcc2bd8add99b90a71  (6.1)
marsnwe-0.99.pl17-12.i386.rpm   c9841dde2cbca88fe53447c3d762f510  (6.2)

You will find the update on our ftp-Server:

Webpage for patches:

or try the following web pages for a list of mirrors:



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