# Security update for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:2585-1  
Rating: important  

  * bsc#1223356
  * bsc#1223454
  * bsc#1227417
  * bsc#1227419
  * bsc#1227575


  * CVE-2024-0090
  * CVE-2024-0091
  * CVE-2024-0092

CVSS scores:

  * CVE-2024-0090 ( SUSE ):  6.1 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:H
  * CVE-2024-0091 ( SUSE ):  7.8 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
  * CVE-2024-0092 ( SUSE ):  5.5 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H

Affected Products:

  * Basesystem Module 15-SP6
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6
  * Public Cloud Module 15-SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6
  * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP6

An update that solves three vulnerabilities and has two security fixes can now
be installed.

## Description:

This update for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06 fixes the following issues:

Update to version 555.42.06 for CUDA.

Security Update 550.90.07:

  * CVE-2024-0090: Fixed out of bounds write (bsc#1223356).
  * CVE-2024-0092: Fixed incorrect exception handling (bsc#1223356).
  * CVE-2024-0091: Fixed untrusted pointer dereference (bsc#1223356).

Changes in kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06:

  * Update to 550.100 (bsc#1227575)

  * Add a second flavor to be used by the kernel module versions used by CUDA.
    The firmware targetting CUDA contains '-cuda' in its name to track its
    versions separately from the graphics firmware. (bsc#1227417)

Changes in nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed:

  * Update to 550.100 (bsc#1227575)

  * Fixed a bug that caused OpenGL triple buffering to behave like double

  * To avoid issues with missing dependencies when no CUDA repo is present make
    the dependecy to nvidia-compute-G06 conditional.

  * CUDA is not available for Tumbleweed, exclude the build of the cuda flavor.

  * preamble: let the -cuda flavor KMP require the -cuda flavor firmware

  * Add a second flavor for building the kernel module versions used by CUDA.
    The kmp targetting CUDA contains '-cuda' in its name to track its versions
    separately from the graphics kmp. (bsc#1227417)

  * Provide the meta package nv-prefer-signed-open-driver to make sure the
    latest available SUSE-build open driver is installed - independent of the
    latest available open driver version in he CUDA repository. Rationale: The
    package cuda-runtime provides the link between CUDA and the kernel driver
    version through a Requires: cuda-drivers >= %version This implies that a
    CUDA version will run withany kernel driver version equal or higher than a
    base version. nvidia-compute-G06 provides the glue layer between CUDA and a
    specific version of he kernel driver both by providing a set of base
    libraries and by requiring a specific kernel version. 'cuda-drivers'
    (provided by nvidia-compute-utils-G06) requires an unversioned nvidia-
    compute-G06. With this, the resolver will install the latest available and
    applicable nvidia-compute-G06. nv-prefer-signed-open-driver then represents
    the latest available open driver version and restricts the nvidia-
    compute-G06 version to it. (bsc#1227419)

## Patch Instructions:

To install this SUSE update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like
YaST online_update or "zypper patch".  
Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product:

  * Basesystem Module 15-SP6  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Basesystem-15-SP6-2024-2585=1

  * Public Cloud Module 15-SP6  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-SLE-Module-Public-Cloud-15-SP6-2024-2585=1

  * openSUSE Leap 15.6  
    zypper in -t patch SUSE-2024-2585=1 openSUSE-SLE-15.6-2024-2585=1

## Package List:

  * Basesystem Module 15-SP6 (aarch64 nosrc x86_64)
    * kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06-cuda-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06-550.100-150600.3.7.1
  * Basesystem Module 15-SP6 (aarch64 x86_64)
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-default-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-default-devel-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-debugsource-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-default-devel-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-default-debuginfo-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-debugsource-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nv-prefer-signed-open-driver-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default-debuginfo-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
  * Basesystem Module 15-SP6 (aarch64)
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-64kb-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-64kb-debuginfo-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-64kb-devel-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-64kb-devel-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-64kb-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-64kb-debuginfo-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
  * Public Cloud Module 15-SP6 (x86_64)
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-azure-debuginfo-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-azure-devel-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-azure-debuginfo-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-azure-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-azure-devel-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-azure-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6 (aarch64 nosrc x86_64)
    * kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06-cuda-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06-550.100-150600.3.7.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6 (x86_64)
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-azure-debuginfo-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-azure-devel-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-azure-debuginfo-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-azure-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-azure-devel-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-azure-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.8.5-150600.3.7.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6 (aarch64 x86_64)
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-default-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-default-devel-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-debugsource-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-default-devel-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-default-debuginfo-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-debugsource-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nv-prefer-signed-open-driver-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default-debuginfo-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
  * openSUSE Leap 15.6 (aarch64)
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-64kb-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-64kb-debuginfo-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-64kb-devel-550.100-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-64kb-devel-555.42.06-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-64kb-550.100_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1
    * nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-64kb-debuginfo-555.42.06_k6.4.0_150600.23.7-150600.3.7.1

## References:

  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0090.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0091.html
  * https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0092.html
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223356
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223454
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1227417
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1227419
  * https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1227575

Important Security Update Overview for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06 (SUSE-SU-2024:2585-1)

July 22, 2024
* bsc#1223356 * bsc#1223454 * bsc#1227417 * bsc#1227419 * bsc#1227575


## This update for kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06 fixes the following issues: Update to version 555.42.06 for CUDA. Security Update 550.90.07: * CVE-2024-0090: Fixed out of bounds write (bsc#1223356). * CVE-2024-0092: Fixed incorrect exception handling (bsc#1223356). * CVE-2024-0091: Fixed untrusted pointer dereference (bsc#1223356). Changes in kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06: * Update to 550.100 (bsc#1227575) * Add a second flavor to be used by the kernel module versions used by CUDA. The firmware targetting CUDA contains '-cuda' in its name to track its versions separately from the graphics firmware. (bsc#1227417) Changes in nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed: * Update to 550.100 (bsc#1227575) * Fixed a bug that caused OpenGL triple buffering to behave like double buffering. * To avoid issues with missing dependencies when no CUDA repo is present make the dependecy to nvidia-compute-G06 conditional. * CUDA is not available for Tumbleweed,...

Read the Full Advisory


* bsc#1223356

* bsc#1223454

* bsc#1227417

* bsc#1227419

* bsc#1227575


* CVE-2024-0090

* CVE-2024-0091

* CVE-2024-0092

CVSS scores:

* CVE-2024-0090 ( SUSE ): 6.1 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:H

* CVE-2024-0091 ( SUSE ): 7.8 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

* CVE-2024-0092 ( SUSE ): 5.5 CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H

Affected Products:

* Basesystem Module 15-SP6

* openSUSE Leap 15.6

* Public Cloud Module 15-SP6

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP6

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 15 SP6

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6

* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 15 SP6

An update that solves three vulnerabilities and has two security fixes can now

be installed.


* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0090.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0091.html

* https://www.suse.com/security/cve/CVE-2024-0092.html

* https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223356

* https://bugzil...

Read the Full Advisory

Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2024:2585-1
Rating: important

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