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Will the pre-pandemic norm of exclusively in-office work ever return? The answer is a resounding no. What was coined as the new normal in 2020 has seamlessly transitioned into the normal of 2023 and beyond. Research from Gartner® forecasts that "almost 50% of employees will continue to work remotely post COVID-19."

With the need for organizations to provide a secure and flexible work environment, it is imperative for system administrators to equip themselves with an enhanced network security toolkit to troubleshoot and secure remote endpoints. 


The Art of Powering Up Dormant Endpoints

Wake-on-LAN (WoL) is a network protocol and feature that enables admins to wake up a computer or device in a low-power state (sleep, hibernate, powered off) using a network signal referred to as a magic packet. 

Business Cybersecurity Esm W417A magic packet is a special network feature containing specific information the target device requires to wake up. This packet is designed to be recognizable by the target device's Network Interface Card (NIC), even when the device is in a low-power state and not actively listening to regular network traffic. The magic packet contains the target device's NIC Media Access Control (MAC) address, which is a unique identifier assigned to each network device.

Magic packets are sent as a broadcast or unicast message to local networks. If sent as a broadcast, it is intended for all devices on the network to hear. If sent as a unicast, it's explicitly directed to the MAC address of the target device.

Suppose the magic packet is sent from a different network segment or over the Internet. In that case, routers must be configured to broadcast the packets to the appropriate subnet, forwarding them to the Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) where the target device resides.

The NIC of the target device is programmed to listen for magic packets, even when the rest of the device is in a low-power state. When the NIC receives a magic packet that matches its MAC address, it wakes up the device.

Upon receiving the magic packet, the NIC sends a signal to the computer's motherboard, which initiates the device power-up. This can involve waking up the CPU, initializing hardware components, and establishing network connectivity.

Once the device is powered on and connected to the network, it becomes operational and can respond to regular network traffic, including remote access requests.

The true potential of WoL often needs to be more appreciated in the eyes of IT administrators. Numerous misconceptions and uncertainties surrounding its reliability and prerequisites have obscured its capabilities and made people question how many cyber security vulnerabilities it protects. 

Common WoL Myths & Misconceptions Debunked

Wake-on-LAN Works Over the Internet


Many believe that WoL can be used easily over the Internet, just like a local network.


WoL is primarily designed for Local Area Networks (LANs). To use it over the Internet, WAN requires additional configurations like port forwarding, a static IP, or a dynamic DNS service.

Any Packet Can Wake the Device


Some might think that any random network packet can trigger the Wake-on-LAN feature.


WoL relies on a specific "magic packet" that contains the target computer's MAC address in a particular pattern. Regular packets won't wake the device.

It Consumes a Lot of Power


Devices awaiting a WoL packet drain a significant amount of power.


While there's a slight increase in power consumption in the low-power state compared to being fully off, this increase is minimal and not typically a major concern for most users.

Wake-on-LAN Works Automatically


Once you have a device capable of WoL, it will just work without any configuration.


For WoL to be functional, it needs to be enabled in the computer's BIOS or UEFI settings and by adjusting an endpoint's broadcast address to match its MAC address.

Once Set Up, It Always Works


After the initial setup, WoL will always work without fail.


Various factors like network changes, software updates, or power disruptions can interfere with WoL. Periodic testing or troubleshooting might be needed to make sure that you always stay on top of any network security threats or cyber security vulnerabilities.

Understanding and debunking these misconceptions ensures a more informed and effective use of the Wake-on-LAN feature.

What Are the Main Applications of WoL?

To use WoL effectively, it is crucial to understand its applications:

Protecting unattended endpoints from threats and attacks in network security

Regular and swift endpoint security patching is essential to safeguard endpoints from ransomware, malware attacks, and other network security threats. Yet, the timing of cybersecurity vulnerability exposure is unpredictable. What if a security event occurs during the weekend or at night when endpoints lie dormant and beyond physical reach? How can these devices be patched when it matters most?

This is precisely where WoL can come to the rescue. With WoL, admins can instantly awaken all network devices and deploy crucial patches without delay. This approach empowers them to respond within minutes and safeguard endpoints with minimal effort.

Enhancing end-user performance

Sysadmins are often burdened with time-consuming tasks, such as software and OS updates and less critical security patching. Constant interruptions stemming from these enhancements can adversely impact employee performance, so it is important to consider how these tasks can be executed without interrupting workflow.

The recommended approach is to update or patch endpoints during non-working hours. IT administrators can wake up the devices, update them, and depart discreetly.

Efficient time management

Booting up and configuring a laptop or desktop can take up to fifteen minutes daily, summing up to about five hours per month lost from device startup.

To mitigate this, automation can be put in place. Admins can schedule routine wake-up tasks for endpoints, either each morning or aligned with work shifts, just before users access their devices. This facilitates users to resume their work seamlessly and without delay.

Remote server management

In a data center or IT infrastructure, multiple servers often perform critical functions, such as hosting websites, applications, databases, and more. These servers may need periodic maintenance, updates, or troubleshooting. Traditionally, IT administrators would need to access each server to perform these tasks physically, a time-consuming and costly process.

With WoL, administrators can remotely wake up servers in a sleep or low-power state. This eliminates the need to be physically present at the data center to power each server individually.

Servers can be awakened for maintenance tasks such as software updates, hardware upgrades, and diagnostics. Since these tasks can be performed without waiting for servers to boot up, there is minimal downtime, and the services hosted on these servers experience less disruption.

What Are the Potential Security Implications of WoL?

Wake-on-LAN (WoL) is a powerful network security toolkit, but like many technologies, it introduces potential risks when managed inappropriately. Here are some potential network security issues about which to be concerned:

  • Unauthorized wake-ups: One of the most straightforward risks is unauthorized users triggering WoL, leading to unintended power consumption and potential wear on systems.
  • WoL Over the Internet: When WoL is exposed over the Internet, attackers could continuously wake a system, leading to potential Denial of Service (DoS) attacks by ensuring the system never stays in a low-power state.
  • Exposure of MAC Addresses: The magic packet requires the target machine's MAC address. If cybercriminals get a hold of a MAC address, they could target specific machines with WoL or other attacks in network security.
  • Interference with Business Processes: In business settings, unauthorized or accidental use of WoL could interfere with maintenance processes or backup operations that are scheduled for off-hours.

WOL Security Best Practices

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Given these potential network security issues, adhering to the following best practices is vital to ensure that WoL is both beneficial and secure.

  • Restrict Network Access: Only allow WoL packets from trusted parts of your network. Employ network segmentation and firewall rules to ensure that only authorized devices can send magic packets.
  • Disable WoL When Not Required: If you don't need the WoL feature, disable it. Only activate it when necessary and deactivate it afterward.
  • Avoid Exposing WoL Over the Internet: WoL is best used within local networks. If you must use it over the Internet, ensure you're employing VPNs and robust authentication methods to mitigate risks.
  • Regularly Monitor and Log: Keep logs of when machines are powered on, especially if using WoL. If a device is repeatedly waking without reason, it might be an indication of unauthorized WoL activity, in which case you will want to scan your system for any cyber security vulnerabilities that would have allowed for that breach.
  • Keep Systems Updated: While not directly related to WoL, it's always a good practice to keep systems updated. If an attacker uses WoL to wake a machine, having the latest security patching can prevent further exploits in cyber security.

By understanding the potential network security issues and implications of Wake-on-LAN, users, and organizations can use the best practices to harness WLAN’s benefits while minimizing risks.

Advanced WoL with Remote Access Plus

Remote Access Plus is an advanced IT troubleshooting tool with exclusive WoL capabilities, advanced settings, and an intuitive workflow. Here are the main reasons why Remote Access Plus stands out. It can:

  • Initiate WoL for not just one but multiple endpoints from the dashboard with a single action.
  • Awaken computers running on both Windows and Linux operating systems.
  • Enhance the success rate of WoL by adjusting an endpoint's broadcast address to match its MAC address.
  • Easily wake your devices with a single tap from your smartphone.

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Securely Implemented WoL

In today's ever-evolving remote work landscape, Wake-on-LAN (WoL) has become an indispensable network security toolkit for IT administrators. Far from being a plug-and-play gimmick, WoL offers strategic functionality, waking up devices in low-power states through the use of specialized “magic packets.” However, it's crucial to understand that WoL comes with its own set of limitations and cyber security vulnerabilities you must consider. 

Leveraging advanced platforms like Remote Access Plus can help organizations unlock the full potential of WoL, from safeguarding endpoints to efficient server management. As remote work continues to define our professional lives, the secure and efficient implementation of tools like WoL isn't just an advantage but a necessity.

Explore the benefits of WoL, along with many other advanced troubleshooting tools, for free!