Linux Cryptography - Page 13

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Conspiracy Theories and the NSA


I've recently seen two articles speculating on the NSA's capability, and practice, of spying on members of Congress and other elected officials. The evidence is all circumstantial and smacks of conspiracy thinking -- and I have no idea whether any of it is true or not -- but it's a good illustration of what happens when trust in a public institution fails.



Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP, in a wide-ranging interview talks about the corrupting nature of big data, the end of privacy and the rise of the surveillance society. He also shared his thoughts on Moore

Twitter's Two-Factor Authentication System


Twitter just rolled out a pretty nice two-factor authentication system using your smart phone as the second factor: The new two-factor system works like this. A user enrolls using the mobile app, which generates a 2048-bit RSA keypair. The private key lives on the phone itself, and the public key is uploaded to Twitter

A Couple of SSH Brute Force Compromises


One common and stupidly simple way hosts are compromissed is weak SSH passwords. You would think people have learned by now, but evidently there are still enough systems with root passwords like 12345 around to make scanning for them a worthwhile exercise.

EMET 4.0 catches SSL spies


Microsoft has taught version 4.0 of the Windows mitigation tool EMET some new tricks. It now detects attacks that attempt to eavesdrop on encrypted connections and is better at thwarting return-oriented programming (ROP) attacks.

SSLyze v0.6 Available For Download


SSLyze is a Python tool that can analyze the SSL configuration of a server by connecting to it. It is designed to be fast and comprehensive, and should help organizations and testers identify misconfigurations affecting their SSL servers.

User Data Encryption with FUSE-based EncFS filesystem


Any decent Linux distribution comes with an installation option to automatically encrypt user's home directory. In case you do not wish to encrypt the entire home directory or perhaps you wish to encrypt some random directories on your Linux system you can use EncFS the FUSE-based cryptographic filesystem.