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Discover How NginRAT Exposes eCommerce Servers to Payment Data Theft


eCommerce servers are being targeted with remote access malware that hides on Nginx servers in a way that makes it virtually invisible to security solutions. “NginRAT essentially hijacks a host Nginx application to stay undetected. To do that, NginRAT modifies core functionality of the Linux host system. When the legitimate Nginx web server uses such functionality (eg dlopen), NginRAT intercepts it to inject itself.”

Unveiling CronRat: Stealthy Tactics of a Linux Remote Access Trojan


Security researchers have discovered a Linux-based remote access trojan (RAT) that uses an unusual stealth technique to remain out of sight from security products. The malware, dubbed CronRat, hides in the calendar subsystem of Linux servers (“cron”) on a non-existent day, 31 February, according to a blog post by security researchers at Sansec.

These stealthy hackers avoid Windows but target Linux as they look to steal phone data


The stealthy LightBasin hacking group (also known as UNC1945) is infiltrating telecommunications companies around the world in a campaign that researchers have linked to intelligence gathering and cyber espionage. LightBasin's primary focus is on Linux and Solaris servers that are critical for running telecommunications infrastructure – and are likely to have less security measures in place than Windows systems. 

Linux version of BlackMatter ransomware targets VMware ESXi servers


The BlackMatter gang has joined the ranks of ransomware operations to develop a Linux encryptor that targets VMware's ESXi virtual machine platform. As more businesses move to this type of platform for their servers, we expect to continue to see ransomware developers focus primarily on Windows machines - but also create a dedicated Linux encryptor targeting ESXi.