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Malware Outbreak 'Largest in Almost a Year'


Security organizations are tracking what's being described as the largest email attack since last year's Warezov outbreak, and the second onslaught this week to steal a page from the Storm Trojan's playbook. Adam Swidler, senior manager of solutions marketing for San Carlos, Calif.-based security vendor Postini Inc., said bot herders are using the outbreak to expand their array of zombie machines.

Two Worm "families" Make up Most Botnets


The Sdbot and Gaobot families are responsible for most botnets worldwide. These two families were responsible for 80 percent of detections related to bots during the first quarter of 2007. Other culprits, although on a much lesser scale, included Oscarbot, IRCbot or RXbot.

Can an iPod bring down your company?


The recent buzz about security threats posed by iPods to corporations has reinforced the need for IT managers to treat these devices like any other removable media that employees with malicious intent can use to extract sensitive data. Following the suggestion recently made by a security company that iPods be banned from the workplace until proper protection is in place, and the emergence of a proof-of-concept iPod virus, it would seem that iPods pose a particularly high risk to corporations that let employees wander into work with these devices strung to their ears. Those same devices that entertain workers during their commute can be used to copy personal or financial data, intellectual property and other sensitive information from corporate PCs, often without a trace. The idea of stealing corporate data with an iPod has gained so much attention lately that it

Embedded Devices Open to New Attack


A Juniper Networks security researcher says he's discovered a new type attack that can compromise embedded devices such as routers and mobile phones. The vulnerability lies in the Arm and XScale microprocessors, two chips that are widely used in these devices. "There are interesting quirks in the ARM and XScale architectures that make things very easy for an attacker," said Juniper's Barnaby Jack.

Revealed: World's Largest Security Breach


TJX Companies said 45.7 million accounts were compromised over nearly a two-year period, in an update of an investigation into a data breach of customer records. The scope of the breach, which was initially disclosed in January, is far wider than previously believed.

TJX Intruder Had Retailer's Encryption Key


The massive data breach at $16 billion retailer TJX involved someone apparently armed with the chain's encryption key, but it might not have been needed as the cyber-thief was accessing data during the card-approval process before it was encrypted. These are among the latest details in what is almost certainly the worst retail data breach ever.

Bots Surge Ahead in March


The number of compromised computers that are part of a centrally controlled bot net has tripled in the past two weeks, according to data gathered by the Shadowserver Foundation, a bot-net takedown group. The weekly tally of bot-infected PCs tracked by the group rose to nearly 1.2 million this week, up from less than 400,000 infected machines two weeks ago. The surge reversed a sudden drop in infected systems--from 500,000 to less than 400,000--last December.

How To 0wn An Apartment Complex


When my friend told me that they had scored one of these apartments in this new complex, my ears perked. I had read about this particular complex while researching apartments for another friend of mine. This apartment complex was modeled after a fine resort, and one of their biggest bragging points was... physical security. INSANE physical security.

Hosting Company Hit by Hack Attack


E-mail hosting company Servers Australia was the victim of a hack attack on Friday which spammed its customers with offensive e-mails by assuming the company's domain name. A company source said the company is "almost 100% sure" the attack exploited a flaw in its Kayako security appliances which allowed the attacker to spam its users.

Rootkits Can Evade Hardware Detection


A researcher has demonstrated several methods that sophisticated rootkits can use to hide from even the most reliable detection method currently available -- hardware-based products that read a system's RAM. Joanna Rutkowska is a researcher with security firm Coseinc Advanced Malware Labs. She recently outlined several ways of getting around the User Account Control (UAC) feature introduced in Windows Vista. Several researchers have identified problems with UAC.

eBay Users Targeted By Advanced Trojan


eBay users are being targeted by an advanced Trojan that attempts to redirect traffic so it can silently bid on a car from the auction site's car site, Symantec is warning. It is the latest security headache for eBay, which has faced an onslaught of complaints from some users who say fraud on the site has increased to unacceptable levels over the past few months.

Attacking USB Devices


Researchers at the Internet Storm Center say at least a few hackers have gone old school. Kevin Liston, a handler at the Internet Storm Center, wrote in an online diary Friday that there are a handful of viruses roaming around the Internet targeting USB removable media -- think thumb drives and other storage devices. Win32.Agent.WJ and VBS.Solow.E are just two of them.