Linux Hacks & Cracks - Page 42
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
Some sleight of hand will allow iOS 6.1 hackers to access your phone application, listen to your voice mails, and place calls.
Hackers broke into several television stations' Emergency Alert Systems this week and broadcast that zombies were "rising from their graves" and "attacking the living."
In "Exploding the Phone," Phil Lapsley writes an entertaining and educational history of the people who hacked the original phone networks. Lapsley talked to CNET about his book.
By confessing that its mistakes led to security breaches at three customers, Bit9 has sparked debate over whether the industry is ready to block hackers that see vendors as the door to other companies.
"I see UEFI as fundamentally suspect, as a second generation on the basic BIOS, probably over-engineered to solve all possible problems, and therefore overly complex," said blogger Chris Travers. "It may be an improvement or not, but I suspect that whatever eventually replaces UEFI will be a much better compromise on all fronts."
The Federal Reserve says an internal website was briefly breached by hackers on Sunday, making it the latest government agency to fall victim to a cyberattack.
Beyonce and voodoo have been ruled out as potential culprits in the bizarre 33-minute blackout during last night's Super Bowl. But what about hackers? It took just a few minutes after the lights went out in the Superdome for hackers to begin hinting they had something to do with it. "#TangoDown Superbowl XLVII," tweeted the most popular Twitter account of the hacktivist collective Anonymous. It's an outlandish claim and almost certainly a troll. But it's possible, and here's how it might have happened.
Like many industry innovations, BYOD offers as much opportunity for wily cyber-thieves as it does for corporate efficiency. Unless enterprises ratchet up their level of vigilance, 2013 is poised to become the most destructive year on record. That will play out in four main areas:
Before smartphones and iPads, before the internet or the personal computer, a misfit group of technophiles, blind teenagers, hippies, and outlaws figured out how to hack the world
Hackers behind a recently detected email attack campaign are exploiting a vulnerability in a Yahoo website to hijack the email accounts of Yahoo users and use them for spam, according to security researchers from antivirus vendor Bitdefender.
Following a string of revelations this week from several media companies who announced they had been recently hacked, Twitter announced on Friday that it had also been the target of a sophisticated attack.
For the last four months, Chinese hackers have persistently attacked The New York Times, infiltrating its computer systems and getting passwords for its reporters and other employees.
During an IP scan of all possible IPv4 addresses, Rapid7, the security firm that is known for the Metasploit attack framework, has discovered 40 to 50 million network devices that can potentially be compromised remotely with a single data packet.
Digital video recorders have revolutionized home and business security, making it possible to easily store and play back hundreds of hours of surveillance camera footage. But a few design flaws in their software, it seems, can quickly turn the watchers into the watched.
Serial Java fault-finder Adam Gowdiak has embarrassed Oracle yet again. Gowdiak hit the headlines last year when he reported a vulnerability, waited for Oracle's response, and then upped the ante with a comeback vuln.
We all know we should be careful transacting online, but are you thinking about cyber-security when you
If you work in an office that uses the popular CiscoUnified IP Phone 7900 Series, prepare to feel violated. A couple of security researchers have published details on a security vulnerability that allows a nefarious hacker to turn the phones into eavesdropping devices. The hack allows people to listen in on private phone calls as well as to nearby conversations.
An ongoing multibillion-dollar overhaul of the nation's air traffic control (ATC) system is designed to make commercial aviation more efficient, more environmentally friendly and safer by 2025.
Evidence collected from a website that was recently used to flood U.S. banks with junk traffic suggests that the people behind the ongoing DDoS attack campaign against U.S. financial institutions -- thought by some to be the work of Iran -- are using botnets for hire.