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Samsung, Linux and the Bothersome Bricking Problem


"I see UEFI as fundamentally suspect, as a second generation on the basic BIOS, probably over-engineered to solve all possible problems, and therefore overly complex," said blogger Chris Travers. "It may be an improvement or not, but I suspect that whatever eventually replaces UEFI will be a much better compromise on all fronts."

Here's How Hackers Could Have Blacked Out The SuperDome Last Night


Beyonce and voodoo have been ruled out as potential culprits in the bizarre 33-minute blackout during last night's Super Bowl. But what about hackers? It took just a few minutes after the lights went out in the Superdome for hackers to begin hinting they had something to do with it. "#TangoDown Superbowl XLVII," tweeted the most popular Twitter account of the hacktivist collective Anonymous. It's an outlandish claim and almost certainly a troll. But it's possible, and here's how it might have happened.

Millions of devices vulnerable via UPnP


During an IP scan of all possible IPv4 addresses, Rapid7, the security firm that is known for the Metasploit attack framework, has discovered 40 to 50 million network devices that can potentially be compromised remotely with a single data packet.

Security Flaw Allows Hackers to Take over Cisco IP Phones


If you work in an office that uses the popular CiscoUnified IP Phone 7900 Series, prepare to feel violated. A couple of security researchers have published details on a security vulnerability that allows a nefarious hacker to turn the phones into eavesdropping devices. The hack allows people to listen in on private phone calls as well as to nearby conversations.