The results of a survey conducted by Gartner and shared with IDG News Service show that online consumers are growing frustrated with the lack of security provided by banks and online retailers, and feel that passwords are no longer sufficient to secure their online transactions.
The findings are the latest conclusions drawn from a survey of 5,000 adult Internet users, which concluded in April and show that online consumers want providers to offer more than just passwords to protect online accounts, and that concerns about a lack of security may be hampering the growth of online commerce, according to Avivah Litan, a vice president and research director at Gartner.
According to the data, almost 60 percent of those surveyed by Gartner said they are concerned or very concerned about online security. Even more important for online retailers: Over 80 percent of those surveyed said they would buy more from an online vendor who offered them more than just a user name and password to protect their accounts, she said.
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