As security pros protect their applications and networks from today's most common attacks, hackers are preparing to wage new wars. As new technologies such as Web services, radio-frequency identification, and smart phones loaded with complex operating systems become prevalent, new attack techniques against business-technology systems will follow.
Hey, it's nothing personal--it's just business. The days of the hacker interested in intruding upon networks, cracking systems, and writing viruses and worms for the joy of the challenge or the mischievous thrill are turning into the days of the hacker as profit-motivated mercenary. The profit to be made through identity theft, corporate espionage, or using hacker skills to attack business competitors will continue to rise (see Extortion Online).
And so must your vigilance. "It's common for security professionals to continue to focus on fighting their most previous battles," says Pete Lindstrom, research director with Spire Security. "But it's important to prepare for the next front line."
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