Few people believe that maintaining a sound network security posture is easy. Those who do are deluding themselves, unless they practice two fundamental tenets of security: simplicity and awareness. Simplicity facilitates abstraction, which is the basis of all computing. Abstraction . . .
Few people believe that maintaining a sound network security posture is easy. Those who do are deluding themselves, unless they practice two fundamental tenets of security: simplicity and awareness. Simplicity facilitates abstraction, which is the basis of all computing. Abstraction is the ability to imagine and evaluate processes and data with no equivalent in the physical world. Awareness is an augmentation to abstraction, giving a better idea of exactly what processes and communications must be manipulated mentally. For example, a company must be aware of users from Hungary mounting drives remotely on its file server. This may violate its security policy. Unfortunately, the modern networking environment is destroying both simplicity and awareness. The purpose of this article is to explain how security professionals can deal with this hostile situation.
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