Linux Network Security - Page 7

Discover Network Security News

The Insecurity of Networks


Not computer networks, networks in general: Findings so far suggest that networks of networks pose risks of catastrophic danger that can exceed the risks in isolated systems. A seemingly benign disruption can generate rippling negative effects.

Wozniak Says Cloud Issues 'Horrendous'


While Steve Wozniak's main concern is with cloud user agreements, there are security issues as well. Wired reporter Mat Honan reported that his iCloud account had been hacked on Friday, and that the intruder had remotely wiped the shared content on all of his devices -- including MacBook Air, iPhone and iPad.

What's real and what's not in web security


This is the third in a series of interviews with C-level executives responsible for cyber security and privacy in business and government, who also happen to be thought leaders. (Remember, as I mentioned previously, "C-level executive" and "thought leader" are not synonyms.)

Securing Voice over IP


Although a 2011 Educause survey reported that only seven percent of faculty and staff use a voice over IP service, the allure of VoIP is hard for IT organizations in colleges and universities to ignore. The benefits are many. By consolidating voice and data communications, schools can also consolidate their maintenance efforts under IT, reduce phone charges dramatically, and add functionality such as "follow me" or emailed voice messages to enable more efficient communications among faculty, staff, and others.

What You Really Need to Know About Cloud Security


Despite all of the hand wringing over cloud security, major cloud security breaches haven't been grabbing headlines. The past year has seen major breaches, such as the ones that hit Sony and Epsilon, but we haven't heard much of an emphasis about the cloud being a weakness.

Anonymous targets UK Government sites with DDoS - Update


The hacktivist collective Anonymous are staging a distributed denial of service attack on the UK Government's Home Office, the Prime Minister's Number 10 and the Ministry of Justice web sites. The attacks began on the evening of Saturday 7 April and were claimed as the work of Anonymous in three tweets (1, 2, 3) by @YourAnonNews, the first of which read "TANGO DOWN - (via @AnonymouSpoon) For your draconian surveillance proposals! Told you to #ExpectUs! #ANONYMOUS #AnonUK".

How To Secure DNS with DNSCrypt


This open-source software for Mac and Linux does for DNS what SSL does for HTTP: It encrypts DNS traffic to prevent spoofing, snooping, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

How to Catch an Internet Cyber Thief


They're out there, says security researchers: the Chinese hackers attempting to break into U.S. enterprises, and jihadist terrorists that brazenly post videos of sniper killings, while stealing credit-cards to launder money for funding nefarious campaigns in Mideast or Caucasus hot spots.

Why CloudFlare kept LulzSec safe


On June 2nd, 2011, the antisec hacker group known as LulzSec launched a web site. Although they had been an active hacking group for several weeks, the creation of was their first official web presence other than the Twitter account they had been using.