Gene Kim article on DDoS attacks
Gene Kim talks about the recent DDoS attacks, some insight as to what the next attack is likely to be like, and what needs to be done to prevent it from occuring. . . .
Gene Kim talks about the recent DDoS attacks, some insight as to what the next attack is likely to be like, and what needs to be done to prevent it from occuring. . . .
"In a move that company detractors said is another sign of its infamous 'Embrace, Extend, Extinguish' strategy, Microsoft has used an open Internet security standard in its Windows 2000 operating system and made modifications without openly documenting its changes." . . .
"We want to assure you that the NSA's activities are conducted in accordance with the highest constitutional, legal and ethical standards, and in compliance with statutes and regulations designed to protect the privacy rights of U.S. persons". . . .
"The FBI acknowledged today that electronic vandals shut down its own Internet site for hours last week in the same type of attack that disrupted some of the Web's major commercial sites. The bureau's Web site,, remained inaccessible for . . .
Efforts continued this week to help universities shore up security with stronger password protection and secure communications. Four vendors, led by the SANS Institute, a think tank that specializes in security, next week will announce they are teaming up to . . .
Upside Today writes, "You can almost hear the parchment easing out of the laser printers at Yahoo:Wanted:Dead or AliveMixter, Coolio, Mafiaboyor anyone responsible for the 2/8/00 crippling of the Yahoo network . . .
Robert Lemos writes..."Security experts and Internet users are becoming increasingly vocal about their concerns that high-speed Internet providers are not doing enough to ensure the data security of home users." ...but, someday we will realize that security is everyones . . .
German government is coordinating a task force to try to deal with Internet security threats. "German Interior Secretary Otto Schily is setting up a Task Force to deal with the hacker threat following a spate of recent attacks on . . .
Nicole St. Pierre writes "Recent breaches of Web-site security are raising concern that the American workforce may not have enough troops to battle cyber snoops. Only about a half-dozen academic institutions in the U.S. have graduate programs that address computer . . .
This FAQ covers denial of service attacks (DoS) in great depth, and has links to software that can be used to execute DoS attacks. Reviewing the DoS attack code can be helpful in assisting you in finding evidence of compromised . . .
CNN reports, "The FBI is pursuing a number of promising leads, including Internet chat room conversations, in the probe of last week's hacker attacks on several top Web sites, according to sources familiar with the investigation." . . .
President Clinton, meeting with computer executives at the White House, said Tuesday that last week's costly Web-site hack attacks raised the alarm for tighter Internet security but were not a "Pearl Harbor." . . .
As written in IT Fairfax ... "Most computer hacking is carried out from within, the head of the national information security testing body said today. And Australian Information Security Evaluation Program (AISEP) manager Anne Robins said that with increasing computer . . .
This article points to a paper on PacketStorm written by Mixter, the purported author of the TFN and TFN2K distributed denial of service attack tools. "Three new versions, called Fapi, Shaft and Trank, are disclosed in a paper . . .
Here's an interview from with Mixter, author of Tribe Flood Network and TFN2K, programs which may have been used in the recent denial of service attacks on many web sites recently. . . .
Who's responsibility should security be? Who should make changes? David Hamilton writes ..."This week’s rash of mysterious attacks against Web sites such as Yahoo! Inc. and E*Trade Group Inc. has hammered home one message: The Internet’s architecture needs . . .
This section details the recent DDoS attacks including a more in-depth overview of the events, and information on what the FBI is currently doing. . . .
Network Magazine is running a few great articles on network security this month. It discusses means to recognize the signs of a serious threat, how to determine whether you should outsource your security needs, and what threat viruses may cause . . .