Linux Network Security - Page 65

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Instant Headache: Insecurities with Instant Messenger


What most people don't know is that IM and other peer-to-peer (P2P) applications carry tremendous security risks and, by their very nature, undermine the security precautions taken by many enterprises. The saving grace, many believe, is that IM is a home-based app used by teenagers, homemakers and lonely middle-aged men.. . .

Wireless Security: An IP VPN Conspiracy Theory


More than a decade ago, cell phone users faced a serious security problem: Everything they said was broadcast over the public airwaves, available for all to hear. Take a simple radio receiver, tune it to the correct frequency at the right . . .

Honeypots Turn The Tables On Hackers


Honeypots are positioned to become a key tool to defend the corporate enterprise from hacker attacks, but some security watchers worry they could bring a new set of security worries with them. Honeypots, which have been around for about 10 . . .

Wi Fi Honeypots a New Hacker Trap


Hackers searching for wireless access points in the nation's capital may soon war drive right into a trap. Last month researchers at the government contractor Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) launched what might be the first organized wireless honeypot, designed to . . .

Book: Hacking Exposed: Web Applications


For the past five years a silent but revolutionary shift in focus has been changing the information security industry and the hacking community alike. As people came to grips with technology and process to secure their networks and operating systems using. . .

Serious PHP vuln reported


The PHP form-data POST handler is susceptible to a malicious POST request that can trigger an error condition which, depending on your hardware, can crash the machine or provide for remote exploitation. On an Intel x86 machine an attacker has no. . .

Security Scanning is not Risk Analysis


Many information technology (IT) decision makers assume that performing a security vulnerability assessment is the same thing as risk analysis. However, these two processes are very different. Performing a security vulnerability assessment helps you determine what the existing holes and vulnerabilities . . .

Single Network Identity: Holy Grail or Nightmare?


Passwords, SecureID cards, pass cards, yet more passwords? I have corporate accounts with my clients, tens of personal accounts and overwhelming numbers of passwords, not to mention the secure ID cards, bank Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) and other accoutrements of the . . .

Websense Intros New Security Database


Websense has released a new security database - Premium Group III: Malicious Web sites - that it says will enable IT administrators to block employee access to sites that have malicious web-borne code. . .

Good News/Bad News in DoS Struggle


The good news is that the number of Denial of Service (DoS) assaults on networks and Web sites has leveled off slightly in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. This is true not only in the number of highly visible DoS attacks, such as those that hit eBay, Yahoo, and Amazon in February 2000, but also among the "street gangs.". . .

Tools for Secure Networks


More than ever, managers have to balance security with ease of use. A vast number of programs can be loosely described as network management tools. This reflects both users' desperate need for help and the broad range of problems you . . .

Wired: How One Spam Leads to Another


E-mail addresses are the currency in a financial shell game that involves rapidly moving consumer contact information from database to database while concealing where and how the data was collected, according to West's research, which he has documented in a map that painstakingly details all the dark and twisted paths that your e-mail address has been traveling.. . .

Secure Ideals


Nothing is one hundred percent secure. As long as the value of the contents justifies the effort, someone will find a way to break into somebody else's property, be that. . .

IBM Enhances Wireless Security Tool


IBM last week announced an improved version of its wireless security monitoring tool, adding self-sensor and self-diagnosis capabilities. Known as Distributed Wireless Security Auditor, the software runs on Linux. . .