Linux Network Security - Page 67

Discover Network Security News

Security poses primary wireless challenge


The Defense Department faces many obstacles in its attempt to outfit soldiers with reliable, interoperable wireless communications on the battlefield, including battery-life concerns, the need for ruggedized machines and ever-present bandwidth issues. . . .

Wireless strategy behind closed doors


About 20 academics, business executives and members of government agencies begin meeting Monday behind closed doors in Washington, D.C., to discuss their concerns about wireless security. Called "A Roadmap to a Safer Wireless World," the forum will bring together people who typically don't communicate with each other, yet make decisions that impact the fate of wireless technology.. . .

How a Virtual Private Network Works


For years, voice, data, and just about all software-defined network services were called "virtual private networks" by the telephone companies. The current generation of VPNs, however, is a more advanced combination of tunneling, encryption, authentication and access control technologies and services used to carry traffic over the Internet, a managed IP network or a provider's backbone. . . .

What is a VPN? .. Explaining Virtual Private Networks


private networks to be connected over a publicly accessed network. In a sense, VPNs are similar to wide area networks (WAN) or a securely encrypted tunnel, but the key feature of VPNs is that they are able to use public networks like the Internet rather than rely on expensive, private leased lines. At they same time, VPNs have the same security and encryption features as a private network, while taking the advantage of the economies of scale and remote accessibility of large public networks. . . .

Mind the Ether with Network Monitors for Windows and Linux


If you like these network monitors, you'll also like netsaint. "The wise network admin employs an array of tools to monitor network activity. There are almost as many monitoring apps as network admins, here are some I've found to be useful and versatile. I like color pictures and graphs, you can't beat scary little red icons for quickly identifying trouble spots.. . .

Training the cyberwar troops


Systems administrator David Riebrandt's first hint that intruders had hacked the military network came from telltale electronic footprints. From the logs--electronic records of the information passed on the network--it quickly became evident that a server with gate-keeping control over different parts . . .

Wireless Lans can be secure


In the 1994 film Renaissance Man, Danny DeVito describes Military Intelligence as an oxymoron. Who would have thought that eight years later many would be making the same criticism of wireless security? At the heart of the problem is the slow rate at which most corporate security policies and solutions actually develop, and the way that 'mobile' is viewed within businesses.. . .

Setting up a FreeBSD firewall with an IPSec uplink


Though this article mainly deals with problems inherent to wireless networks, the principals apply equally well to wired networks. Also, though FreeBSD is the OS referenced, this may work equally well with other flavors of BSD . The version of FreeBSD . . .

Third of UK businesses at DDoS risk


A third of all UK businesses will be hit by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack during 2002, resulting in £54m in lost revenue. DDoS attacks have long been a headache for online firms because their disparate nature makes them almost impossible to defend against.. . .

Wireless LAN Security: A Short History


If you're holding back on an 802.11 deployment because of security concerns, you're not alone. Research indicates that the perceived insecurity of wireless networks is a major inhibitor to further market growth. . . .

Symantec warns of blended security threats


Attacks on corporate computer systems will continue to get more sophisticated, simultaneously targeting several areas of vulnerability in "blended" attacks, according to executives from security vendor Symantec. . . .

Build a Flexible VPN with FreeS/WAN and Linux, Part 2


Part One of this article discussed the advantages of FreeS/WAN, a Linux-based VPN package that allows even older Pentiums to be pressed into service as flexible VPN servers and offered an overview of how to build a test-bed network. In Part Two, Carla Schroder discusses basic installation and configuration. In part 1 we discussed what FreeS/WAN does. Now we put it to work. . . .

Networks ill-prepared for hackers, terrorists


The government is failing to strengthen security measures for its computer systems and networks across all departments, exposing critical government infrastructure to cyber attacks by thrill-seeking hackers and terrorists, the Auditor-General warned yesterday. . . .

The Heart of a Killer Network Security System


'Of course, this risk and vulnerability assessment process is continual [because] the price of security is eternal vigilance,' IDC vice president Chris Christiansen told NewsFactor. When asked what he believes would be the ultimate network security system, Charles Kolodgy, Internet security group research manager at IDC, told NewsFactor that the ultimate network security system would be one with no connections. . . .

Build a Flexible VPN with FreeS/WAN and Linux


FreeS/WAN is an ideal solution for the overworked, harassed network admin who needs to bring together branch offices, telecommuters, and road warriors from anywhere over the Internet, and it does it all for the price of the hardware, with requirements that are surprisingly low. . . .

Security, Disaster Recovery Issues After Sept. 11


Since September 11, many organizations have taken a second look at their readiness for a disaster. They've realized that they just aren't prepared for a major catastrophe or they have underestimated what they really need. Are you and your organization prepared? . . .

Using Network VATs for Verification


As it says in the Bible in Hezekiah 5:10, "The one who sets the plan in motion, but verifies it not, is worse than a fool." Okay, you know that there's no book of Hezekiah in the Bible. But, the statement is accurate, especially as it pertains to verifying the state of our security. And verification does not take an advanced science degree.. . .