Linux Network Security - Page 87

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Always-on Internet Security


The two best things about those fast Internet connections you get from cable, DSL, and ISDN are that you don't have to dial a number to connect to the Internet, and they are also easy to share over a network. . . .

Intrusion Detection on Linux


This article focuses on several host-based intrusion detection systems that are available on Linux. In particular, I will cover some of the basics of installing setting up these packages, how they are useful, and in what circumstances they can be . . .

Slashdot struck by denial-of-service attacks

data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22, the "news for nerds" Web site popular among Linux fans, fell victim to a series of hacker attacks for three days last week. The site was taken down intermittently by a series of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks Thursday, . . .

Kerberos Loophole May Close Around Microsoft's Neck


The implications of Microsoft's propreitary "extensions" to Kerberos could be pretty far-reaching. "As a legal wrangle develops over whether the Linux/open-source news Web site can post messages containing what Microsoft calls a "trade secret," key members of the . . .

Updated CERT Advisory on Kerberos Vulnerabilities


The Computer Emergency Response Team has updated their advisory on the recent Kerberos buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Most vendors have updated their packages already to fix this vulnerability. "The most severe vulnerability allows remote intruders to gain root privileges . . .

Kerberos In The Legal Limelight


This article discusses the recent turmoil over the Slashdot postings regarding Kerberos, and the modifications that Microsoft has made to the Kerberos security protocol. "On Thursday, lawyers for Andover.Net, the parent company of the Linux enthusiast site Slashdot, posted . . .

Ex-CIA Chief: Beware Spy-Viruses


Former CIA director R. James Woolsey, speaking on a panel here Wednesday, warned that international spies and terrorists would soon wield a more purposeful and dangerous breed of computer virus than ever seen before. Unlike Melissa, CIH or the recent . . .

Information on Slashdot DDoS


During Thursday and Saturday of last week, the site experienced a Distributed Denial of Service attack. The follow article recounts what happened. "What follows is more-or-less Pat "BSD-Pat" Lynch's account of the DDoS... Pat is our super 31337 . . .

Security Scanners for Linux


This paper discusses the differnt types of security scanners available for Linux. "A scanner is a program that automatically detects security weaknesses in a remote or localhost.". Scanners are important to Internet security because they reveal weaknesses in the . . .

New DDoS tools developed


More information on the "mstream" DDoS attack tool. "A new distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) tool found recently in computers at several universities may be able to avoid defenses put up by Web sites after a rash of DDoS attacks in February . . .

Slashdot gets trashed


Although some readers credited the shutdown to an ironic reverse "slashdot effect" caused by the crush of a linking news article, Wired News reporter Declan McCullagh quoted sources at the website blaming a distributed denial of service attack for the . . .

Call it


Slashdot has fallen victim of a distributed denial of service attack. "Thursday just wasn't a good day for geek-culture destination Slashdot. First came the news that Microsoft ordered Slashdot to delete discussions of one of the company's security products. . . .

Mazu Networks Aims To Stop Hackers’ Net Attacks


Mazu Networks, a start-up that was a runner-up in the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology entrepreneurship competition, aims to put an end to the hacker attacks that resulted in highly publicized outages earlier this year for Internet high-flyers Yahoo Inc. . . .

Stoic Distro for the Paranoid


"Finally, a Linux distribution geared at easing the security-conscious minds of such self-professed paranoiacs as G. Gordon Liddy has hit the streets. Nexus developers are taking names, ranks and numbers. According to its makers, Nexus is a free, . . .

Creating Warning Login Banners


Here is a good source for help in developing a Warning banner. "A requirement for successfully prosecuting those unauthorized users who improperly use a government computer is that the computer must have a warning banner displayed at all access . . . owned by white hats


Friendly strangers briefly took over the Apache Software Foundation server by exploiting a series of common configuration errors, and then announced their presence by inserting an advertisement for Microsoft at the bottom of the home page. The open-source Apache is . . .

There but for the Grace of Bill....


Here's an analysis of the recent Microsoft worm, and an interesting commentary on it's effect on Linux users. "Guess what? No matter what you've heard about Microsoft Outlook, the situation is basically the same as it is in Linux. . . .

Big Brother Vulnerability


Notice - an exploitable buffer overflow has been reported in the Big Brother server (bbd). If you're running BB, please either update your version, apply the fix enclosed, and run BB as a non-root user! If you have . . .