Linux Network Security - Page 13

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The Insecurity of Secure Clouds


In light of the recent Google hacking, businesses might reconsider their cloud-based strategies. Ostensibly cloud-based services can offer business a better security profile at a lower price point than would be possible if companies built the services themselves. Take data centers, for example. Building a modern data center can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars with security measures constituting a hefty price tag encompassing, but not limited to, security cards, biometrics, dry contact sensors, IP-based camera surveillance, security guards, fire suppression systems, and power generators.

Fixing a Problem with Nmap


Ever had an ipv4 network address that is supposed to migrate over via a high availability mechanism simply not work or even stranger if there were several addresses some do and some do not? An experienced network administrator probably has seen mysterious non-migrating addresses, however, within this context is presented a rather interesting "solution" to when it has been observed.

Beginner's Guide to Nmap


Ever wondered how attackers know what ports are open on a system? Or how to find out what services a computer is running without just asking the site admin? You can do all this and more with a handy little tool called Nmap.

Study on cloud security threats


The Top Cloud Security Threats Report compiled by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), and commissioned by CSA member Hewlett-Packard (HP), is intended to alert businesses to current and future cloud computing risks. Based on a survey of corporate IT security experts across 29 companies, the report recommends strategies companies can use to protect their business transactions and data.

Internet freedom and security


It's already been a busy year in the area of Internet freedom and security. First, Google reported that it, along with a bunch of other major companies, had been hacked, and pointed the finger at China. Then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a few "Remarks on Internet Freedom" in which she pushed for one Internet, without barriers.

UK registry to implement DNS security protocol


Nominet, the U.K.'s domain name registry, will begin implementing a security protocol on Monday designed to protect the DNS (Domain Name System). The system, called DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), uses public key cryptography to digitally "sign" the DNS records for Web sites. It is designed to stop attacks such as cache poisoning, where a DNS server is hacked, making it possible for a user to type in the correct Web site name but be directed to a fake Web site.

Undead botnets blamed for big rise in email malware


Malicious spam volumes increased dramatically in the back half of 2009, reaching three billion messages per day, compared to 600 million messages per day in the first half of 2009. But this is still a tiny fraction of the estimated global spam volume, thought to be about 200 billion messages per day.

OpenDNSSEC service goes live


A consortium of security and infrastructure management organisations has launched a new project to help secure Domain Name System (DNS) queries. OpenDNSSEC will provide a way for service providers and hosting vendors to encrypt DNS traffic.

How Wi -Fi attackers are poisoning Web browsers


Public Wi-Fi networks such as those in coffee shops and airports present a bigger security threat than ever to computer users because attackers can intercede over wireless to "poison" users' browser caches in order to present fake Web pages or even steal data at a later time.That's according to security researcher Mike Kershaw, developer of the Kismet wireless network detector and intrusion-detection system, who spoke at the Black Hat conference.

How To Hack The Sky


Satellites can bring a digital signal to places where the Internet seems like a miracle: off-the-grid desert solar farms, the Arctic or an aircraft carrier at sea. But in beaming data to and from the world's most remote places, satellite Internet may also offer its signal to a less benign recipient: any digital miscreant within thousands of miles.

Twitter resets passwords after phishing attack


Twitter reset passwords for an unknown number of users on Tuesday whose accounts appeared to have been compromised via phishing. "As part of Twitter's ongoing security efforts, we reset passwords for a small number of accounts that we believe may have been compromised offsite," the company said in a statement.

Searching for the weak link in university network security


Which is more important in a network: the client machines or the system infrastructure? This could be debated until the cows come home and further debated to include the cows. Personally I would say the latter, but as we have seen this week, one single client machines can open up an almighty can of whoop-ass on the entire network.

Internet heading for 'perfect storm'


According to Arbor Networks' latest annual Infrastructure Security Report (Volume 5) survey of 132 large IP operators from across the world, 35 percent of respondents put this at the top of their worry list for the next year, ahead even of the traditional anxiety over botnets and DDoS.

Microsoft bots perform denial of service on Perl Testers


The Perl CPAN Testers have been suffering issues accessing their sites, databases and mirrors. According to a posting on the CPAN Testers' blog, the CPAN Testers' server has been being aggressively scanned by "20-30 bots every few seconds" in what they call "a dedicated denial of service attack"; these bots "completely ignore the rules specified in robots.txt".

DDoS attacks are bigger threat than hackers planned


Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack are certainly nothing new. Companies have suffered the scourge since the beginning of the digital age. But DDoS seems to be finding its way back into headlines in the past six months, in thanks to some high profile targets and, experts say, two important changes in the nature of the attacks.

The best VPN for Windows is Linux VPN


The problem with corporate networks is they not only stop the bad guys coming in but also your users who want to work remotely, whether at home, at a client site or on the road. Here is where a VPN product comes in, and the simplest to deploy on Windows is a Linux virtual appliance called OpenVPN.

How to sniff network traffic with Wireshark


The internet is inherently insecure. Whenever you send data across it, there is a chance that that data could be sniffed, and someone could end up with your personal data. Hopefully once you've read this article, you'll have a better understanding of how to prevent this from happening.