The Black Hat Briefings is a conference for researchers, IT professionals and experienced security administrators. Every year, leaders in the security field are brought together to Black Hat to discuss the latest threats, trends, products, and influences in the Internet and . . .
The Black Hat Briefings is a conference for researchers, IT professionals and experienced security administrators. Every year, leaders in the security field are brought together to Black Hat to discuss the latest threats, trends, products, and influences in the Internet and security environment - it's not something to miss.

 The Black Hat Briefings 2001 USA Security Conference Announcement    Training July 9th-10th Conference July 11th-12th Location: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada  The Black Hat Briefings is a conference for researchers, IT professionals and experienced security administrators.  Every year, leaders in the security field are brought together to Black Hat to discuss the latest threats, trends, products, and influences in the Internet and security environment - it's not something to miss.  This year's topics include: Reverse Engineering, the Honey Net Project, the CVE, 802.11b WEP security, ICMP scanning, SQL security configuration, GSM and WAP security, and more.  We've chosen 46 speakers for 40 different sessions with a new emphasis on unique, never- before-heard presentations and demonstrations.   We've posted detailed summaries of each session and the schedule is on-line.  -- New features for 2001 include a "Tools of the Trade" track, a wireless 802.11b network, Sign Language Interpreters for the hearing impaired, and a CD ROM containing the presentations, tools, and materials.  -- Our Keynote Speakers Include:       * James Bamford, author of "The Puzzle Palace" & "Body of Secrets", best-selling books about the NSA - the largest, most hidden and most important intelligence agency in the U.S.       * Richard Clarke is the senior U.S. government official responsible for cyber security policy. He was appointed by the President as the first national coordinator for security, infrastructure protection and counter-terrorism. He chairs the U.S. government's committees on cyber security, continuity of operations, counter-terrorism, domestic preparedness and international crime.  -- Early Registration ends June 22nd. Attend Black Hat and receive a free admission to DEF CON, immediately following the Conference July 13th-16th.  For full conference details, updates, and past speeches available for free, please visit  Thank you, Jeff Moss