The Center for Internet Security (CIS), a coalition of internet user groups, yesterday released the first set of minimum security standards for operating systems. Starting off with specs for Solaris, the user group plans to introduce similar standards for Windows, as . . .
The Center for Internet Security (CIS), a coalition of internet user groups, yesterday released the first set of minimum security standards for operating systems. Starting off with specs for Solaris, the user group plans to introduce similar standards for Windows, as well as for Linux and other Unix systems.
The group said that the definition of minimum security standards is an attempt to encourage vendors to ship more secure operating systems. Solaris was selected as the starting model because it is so often used as a critical part of the infrastructure in financial, military and ecommerce systems.
As part of the drive, CIS has released a software program for Solaris that checks a system's configuration and issues a score and report on whether the network reflects "a prudent level of due care".
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