Organizations/Events - Page 22

Discover Organizations/Events News

Web services group still seeking security


A group working to ensure the compatibility of Web services software is preparing to tackle its biggest challenge yet: Security. The Web Services Interoperability organization (WS-I) was formed last year at the behest of companies including IBM and Microsoft to see to it that Web services products from different companies work together.. . .

License To Chill -- Hackers Hamstring Rights Violators


International hacker organization issues software license that allows the group or its licensees to take human rights violators to court. This story is important for anyone interested in hacking, human rights, information security, open-source software, Internet censorship, international law, international politics, or technology transfer.. . .

ISC Creates BIND Forum to Focus on Security


The new ISC BIND Forum will benefit members by focusing on security related issues, including early warning on attacks, defects, and patches. ISC's software is Open Source, and thus any critical information regarding the security of the protocol or implementation will be disclosed and explained to the Internet community. However, ISC believes that it is essential that critical Internet infrastructure such as root and TLD (Top Level Domain) servers are upgraded in a timely manner, and that vendors who ship BIND in their products have an opportunity to stay ahead of potential problems by delivering a patch for their customers before the public disclosure occurs. . . .

Internet2 PKI Research Activity


The Internet2 PKI Research activity is based on the premise that a great deal of research is needed in PK-authenticated authorization and control systems and that research is not all going to come out of current efforts among PKI vendors and . . .

The Tech Industry Rescue Squad


What makes CERT/CC unique is that it functions as an independent security reporting center that assumes anonymity with each client unless it receives permission to use the client's identity. When officials at Carnegie Mellon University's CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) . . .

Red Hat Joins Forces with Dell, Public- and Private-Sector Leaders to Launch First Open Source Secur


Red Hat, Inc. (Nasdaq:RHAT), the world's premier open source and Linux provider, today announced the first Open Source Security Summit. The Security Summit will take place at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. on October 29, and will be cohosted by Dell. The Security Summit will provide an open forum to discuss and explore how open source technologies, methodologies, tools, and support processes meet the challenges of securing networks and computer systems.. . .

Start-up banks on hack-proof Linux


Start-up Guardian Digital has launched an effort to sell a version of Linux that's less vulnerable to attack, a niche the company hopes will gain it a foothold in the market for the Unix-like operating system. The Allendale, N.J.-based start-up released its EnGarde Secure Professional product Tuesday, a version of Linux that comes with management tools and server software designed to thwart attacks.. . .

Educating Executives


Here are examples of the types of questions you are sure to face at some point in your endeavors. Of course, each answer you give is sure to spawn even more queries. Q. What will it take for our company to be 100% secure? (This is one of those questions that is almost laughable except that it is asked far too frequently.) A. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reach a state of 100% security.. . .

CodeCon: Call For Papers


CodeCon is the premier showcase of active hacker projects. It is an excellent opportunity for developers to demonstrate their work, and for coding hackers to find out about what's going on in their community. All presentations must be accompanied by . . .

Vegas Braces for DefCon


Sin City is about to be packed with thousands of hackers, wannabe geeks and phreaks who envision the perfect world as the following: Computer networks would welcome curious exploration, all information would be openly shared, a lot of public toilets would . . .

Cyberterrorism Conference Coming Up


A global summit focusing on cyberterrorism and the targets of critical infrastructures has been announced for next month. The event, Sector 5, will be co-produced by Gardner and Flight Event Work, and held in Washington, D.C., between August 21 and 23. . .

Security Industry's Hacker-pipming Slammed


I spent three days at H2K2 hoping someone would say something worth mentioning in The Register. Finally, on Sunday, a couple of speakers did just that (on which more tomorrow). Best of all was Gweeds' savage synopsis of a thing which. . .

Whole Lot of Happy Hacker Campers


Just eight hours after the East Coast's largest hacking conference opened its doors Friday, H2K2 had already taken on the feel of summer camp for enthusiastic engineers. While most are here to hack around the clock for a few days and. . .

Hacker group targets Net censorship


Some of the world's best-known hackers unveiled a plan this weekend to offer free software to promote anonymous Web surfing in countries where the Internet is censored, especially China and Middle Eastern nations. An international hacker group calling itself Hactivismo released a program on Saturday called Camera/Shy that allows Internet users to conceal messages inside photos posted on the Web, bypassing most known police monitoring methods.. . .

Who To Call About Computer Crime


How businesses should deal with law enforcement was a topic of discussion at INT Media Group's recent E-Security Conference and Expo in Vienna, Va. In separate sessions, attendees heard from David Green, principal deputy chief of the Department of Justice Computer . . .

Chief (in)security officer


The departure of these and other information security veterans from Fortune 500 companies reflects the beginning of turbulent times for chief security officers (CSO). Since Sept. 11, CSOs have faced new pressures to prove the value and effectiveness of their security measures, even as they struggle politically for legitimacy within their corporations and for support from the technology and business units they're trying to protect, say analysts.. . .

Security firms tout savings, not safety


At a recent publicity event here, two security companies and accounting giant PricewaterhouseCoopers showed off their latest tool for selling software: a calculator that lets clients estimate how much money they can save by using the companies' offerings.. . .

Desperately Seeking the Security ROI


Talk may be cheap, but the infosec price tag is not. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the infamous TCO (total cost of ownership) and ROI (return on investment) justifications have descended upon the unsuspecting troopers in the infosec trenches. Apparently, it's time for us security geeks to learn some new tricks.. . .