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Privacy Groups Target Amazon Again


In a letter the groups plan to send Tuesday to consumer protection regulators in 14 states, the District of Columbia and at the Federal Trade Commission, Junkbusters and the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) praise state regulators for discussing privacy issues . . .

Spam Blocker Has Opposite Effect


Users of SpamNet, a popular peer-to-peer unsolicited e-mail filtering service, had grown accustomed to virtually junk-free inboxes. So when spam suddenly started pouring in last week, SpamNet users weren't very happy. . .

The Great Security Self-Assessment Test


As the laws governing the use of employee and customer data become ever more complex, IT directors are having to spend more time creating legally watertight privacy policies. But there is much evidence to suggest that many aren't fully aware . . .

U.S. tech protests EU privacy laws


A group of American companies is attempting this week to persuade the European Union to relax its rules governing data protection, claiming they are bad for business. The 10 companies, who dub themselves the Global Privacy Alliance (GPA) and whose members include IBM, Oracle and VeriSign, believe that the EU has put too much emphasis on the protection of individuals' privacy, and not enough on ensuring the free flow of information between companies. . . .

Amazon To Tune Privacy Policy


Two years after it angered privacy advocates by altering its privacy policy, has told a group of state attorneys general that it will change the guidelines again to make them more consumer-friendly. . .

ID Theft: Authentication Not Enough


In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago laments that "he that filches from me my good name/Robs me of that which not enriches him/And makes me poor indeed." In the modern world, by contrast, filching someone else's good name through identity theft can significantly . . .

Who's letting the spam in?


According to operators of spam-filtering lists, an alarming number of people are unwittingly helping junk mailers shuttle spam, or unsolicited bulk e-mail. Those unassuming victims are running software meant to allow multiple connections over a LAN (local area network) to the . . .

Attacking Spam With "Spamlets"


Free Web-based e-mail services have long used customers as marketing mules, adding an unobtrusive tag line at the end of each message to tout their products. Now, an anti-spam company is drawing fire for using the same tactic. . .

Identity theft: Fact and Fiction


In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago laments that "he that filches from me my good name/Robs me of that which not enriches him/And makes me poor indeed." In the modern world, by contrast, filching someone else's good name through identity theft can significantly . . .

Privacy Losses Around the World


One year after September 11, personal privacy is an international casualty in the war on terror. It has now been one year since the horrific events of September 11th, 2001. It is often said that "everything has changed." That includes privacy, . . .

Spammers Tapping Into E-Mail Lists?


E-mail management company Lyris Technologies on Wednesday said it is investigating spam complaints that may involve hundreds of thousands of compromised customer e-mail addresses. At least three current and former Lyris customers this week complained that recipients of their e-mail . . .

Security Trumps Privacy in New Laws


Governments have made it easier for authorities to plumb databases and eavesdrop on telephone and online conversations, a survey of privacy regulations released this week found. The report, from the Electronic Privacy Information Center and Privacy International, shows that many countries . . .

An Open Letter to the U.S. Privacy Officer


Over the summer, the Bush Administration revealed plans to appoint the first-ever U.S. chief privacy officer as part of the proposed Department of Homeland Security. This is significant because our government has generally resisted appointing a privacy officer. . .

Setting the Rules for Spam and Net Privacy


Swindle, 65, is one of five commissioners at the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC's responsibilities involve policing the Internet for fraud and privacy violations; the agency recently compelled Microsoft to make changes to its Passport authentication system. . .

One effect of 9/11: Less privacy


Governments worldwide have made it easier for authorities to augment citizen databases and eavesdrop on telephone and online conversations in order to fight terror, according to a survey of privacy regulations released Tuesday. The report, written by privacy activists Electronic Privacy Information Center and Privacy International, show the United States was not alone in passing new laws that value increased security over personal privacy.. . .