Linux Privacy - Page 22

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Bitdefender Clueful exposes Android spies


Bitdefender Clueful is designed to warn Android users about apps that put their privacy at risk. Available free of charge, the app checks whether any of a user's installed programs are known to transmit smartphone numbers to advertising networks or cause push-message spam.

Transparency and Accountability


As part of the fallout of the Boston bombings, we're probably going to get some new laws that give the FBI additional investigative powers. As with the Patriot Act after 9/11, the debate over whether these new laws are helpful will be minimal, but the effects on civil liberties could be large.

Michael Chertoff on Google Glass


Interesting op-ed by former DHS head Michael Chertoff on the privacy risks of Google Glass. Now imagine that millions of Americans walk around each day wearing the equivalent of a drone on their head: a device capable of capturing video and audio recordings of everything that happens around them.

Don't Download That, Bro, You're Going to Get Busted


One of the most enduring questions in the history of online file-sharing asks whether something bad will come from downloading and/or sharing a particular product. Will the the recording and movie industries come knocking? Will the police or even the FBI take an interest? Are the evil bottom-feeding trolls watching my torrents? It