Linux Privacy - Page 22
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
Bitdefender Clueful is designed to warn Android users about apps that put their privacy at risk. Available free of charge, the app checks whether any of a user's installed programs are known to transmit smartphone numbers to advertising networks or cause push-message spam.
As part of the fallout of the Boston bombings, we're probably going to get some new laws that give the FBI additional investigative powers. As with the Patriot Act after 9/11, the debate over whether these new laws are helpful will be minimal, but the effects on civil liberties could be large.
Mobily, a Saudi Arabian telecommunications company with 4.8 million subscribers, is working on a way to intercept encrypted data sent over the Internet by Twitter, Viber, and other mobile apps, a security researcher said Monday.
Privacy advocates are up in arms after the Indian government began quietly rolling out a Rs.4 billion(
Interesting op-ed by former DHS head Michael Chertoff on the privacy risks of Google Glass. Now imagine that millions of Americans walk around each day wearing the equivalent of a drone on their head: a device capable of capturing video and audio recordings of everything that happens around them.
A legal fight over the government
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has taken the position it does not need a search warrant to gather email in criminal investigations, despite opposition from lawmakers and privacy advocates and a ruling by a federal appellate court.
Mozilla has released Firefox 20, the latest update to the browser. As has been the case with most recent Firefox updates, there is a limited number of new features and a number of security fixes. Amongst the new features is the per-window private browsing, first seen in the beta of Firefox 20
One of the most enduring questions in the history of online file-sharing asks whether something bad will come from downloading and/or sharing a particular product. Will the the recording and movie industries come knocking? Will the police or even the FBI take an interest? Are the evil bottom-feeding trolls watching my torrents? It
A new system launched to curb online piracy of intellectual property is meant to be educational, not punitive, says the organization behind it. But suspended Internet service or slowing service to a crawl sounds pretty punitive to critics of the Copyright Alert System (CAS).
Rights advocacy groups and security practitioners remain on opposite ends of the spectrum on the merits of sharing information as a means to improve cyber security.
How a Chinese hacker used my private nickname, personal emails, and sensitive documents to try to blackmail me.
Facebook's new Graph Search has security experts warning people who use the social network to raise their privacy settings in order to avoid embarrassment or becoming victims of cybercriminals.
A Texas high school on Friday barred a girl from attending class as part of the fallout from a legal flap that began when the sophomore refused to wear around her neck an RFID-chip student ID she claims is the
The Department of Revenue was more concerned with keeping employees from accessing news, sports and social media websites on their work computers than protecting taxpayer data like Social Security numbers, a former computer security chief at the agency said Thursday.
The Senate on Friday reauthorized for five years broad electronic eavesdropping powers that legalized and expanded the President George W. Bush administration
ISACA, a non-profit global association of more than 100,000 IT audit, security, risk, and governance professionals, released guidance on managing three top trends expected to pose major challenges to Indian businesses in 2013: Private vs. public clouds, cyber-security threats, and data privacy.
It was just a few weeks ago that Firefox got a fresh security boost on the eve of its eighth birthday, but this week Mozilla gave users of its popular browser a better way to protect their privacy as well.
In a secret government agreement granted without approval or debate from lawmakers, the U.S. attorney general recently gave the National Counterterrorism Center sweeping new powers to store dossiers on U.S. citizens, even if they are not suspected of a crime, according to a news report.